Chapter 7 (SHOWER SMUT)

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„Hello! I'm Johannah, Louis mom! It's so nice to finally meet you, Harry! Louis really didn't lie when he told me how beautiful you are! My husband's on a buisness trip for two weeks so you won't be able to meet him! He's so sorry! I should give you an extra hug from me so you can pretend it's him hugging you!" how I was welcomed by Louis mom.

I immediately felt comfortable there and welcomed. Like at Home.

It was kind of weird but I guessed I had been panicking over nothing.

They were such nice peolpe.

Louis little sisters were so cute.
The twins were 9 and as soon as I entered their house, they jumped on me and hugged me as if we'd known each other for years.

Although we saw each other for the first time that day.

„Hi Harry, I'm Lottie. I like your curls." was the first thing Lottie said to me and I laughed.

She was not much younger than me.

„Thank you."

I smiled at her.

Louis took my hand in his and I looked at him. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

„Awww, mom they're so cute!" Lottie squealed and Felicite rolled her eyes.

„They are, Lottie, but you don't have to scream it out loud. We can see." She said annoyed and looked back at her phone.

She suddenly started yelling: „Stanley texted me! Oh my God! He wants to FaceTime! How do I look???"

Fizzy looked over at Lottie hecticly.

„How do I look???!!" She hecticly repeated when Lottie didn't answer.

„Well, you always." Lottie shrugged her shoulders.

Felicite rolled her eyes and rushed out of the room.

„You look amazing!" Louis mom shouted after her and I chuggled.

„She's in puberty. She's always in a bad mood and annoyed by everthing. It's very hard sometimes." Louis Mom told me and I nodded understanding.

„I was the same. My mom was desperated and at the end of the capacity of her nerves. I guess I was as bad as Fizzy is."

I chuggled. Louis Mom laughed too and Lottie proudly grinned.

„I ain't as bad as her. I'm a very easy handling person." Lottie told us and I smiled a bit.

„Oh, yes you are, my love!" Louis Mom laughed and placed a kiss on her daughters forehead.

Louis Mom seemed to be a great mom and a great person.

„Okay but enough of talking now! Let me show you where you two are going to sleep for the next days!" Louis mom said to me and Louis and clapped into her hands entuasiasticly.

„I'm sure you and my mom would get on great, Mrs Deakin!" I told her when we went upstairs and she laughed.

„I can't wait to meet her! But call me Jay please, yeah?"

She warmly smiled at me and I nodded and she showed us our room.

„Okay, Jay."

Our room was very light and I felt comfortable the first moment I entered it.

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