Chapter 20 (FLUFF / EPILOUGE)

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The next morning I woke up, I felt like I was dead.

Every part of my body was sore and I painfully whined when I wanted to sit up and pain rushed through my whole body.

„Lou." I whined and sniffed, trying to wake him up.

Louis still slept tightly but I needed his help.

„Lou." I repeated, whining, helplessly.

Suddenly he jumped up and looked around as if he just woke up in a whole new world until his eyes met mine.

He sat up quickly and immediately rubbed my back.

„Sore, are we?" He softly asked and I whined as an answer.

„Let's take a shower first." He said, helping me sit up.

I was sore everywhere, I felt awul.

„I'm sorry, baby." Louis mumbled as he sat me down on the closed toilet.

„Do you need anything?"

He kneeled down to my heigh.

„Water." I croaked and Louis nodded and quickly jumped up and rushed out the bathroom.

„Here, baby."

Louis was back with a glass of water.

I nodded as a thank you and shakily took it into my hands to take a nip.

„I've got an even better idea: I'll run in a bath and we'll go in together. How about that?"

Louis made me look at him and I weakly nodded.

„God, you're thruly wrecked, Hazza. I'm really sorry."

„It's not your fault."

Louis shook his head. „It do is. I shouldn't have agreed to that anyways."

„I literally forced you to say yes and it was my idea."

„It's not your fault also, Harry." Louis shook his head while turning on the water in the bathtub. 

„But it's not yours also, Lou."

I whined.

„Harry, it's alright. Don't stress yourself."

I only winced.

„Come on. Let's get you in there."

A few minutes later, I let out a mewl when my naked bum touched the hot water for a short second and I immediately digged my nails into Louis biceps, not daring to let go of him.

„Harry..." Louis sighed and I shook my head, violently.

I whimpered.

„No, Lou. No. I can't do this."

„Come on. You're a big boy." Louis said and I mewled something.

Louis shook his head at me.

„I know you're sore, baby, but we have to get you cleaned up."

„Too hot. Water. Hurts." I whimpered and Louis rolled his eyes at me.

„Harry, come on!"

I shook my head. „No!"

„Get in there now!" Louis hissed through gritted theet and I whined a last time before I let go of Louis.

„Hurts!" I whined as I sat down.

„It'll be over soon, let me just clean you up quickly and then you can get some rest. I'll call your mom."

I whined as Louis grabbed for the shampoo and began cleaning my arms.

„I can do that myself, Lou." I said, embarassed as he reached the lower parts.

„Don't be shy. I already saw every part of your body. No need to be embarrassed now, baby. Really."

After I was cleaned up and wrapped in a towel, Louis took a quick shower and helped me sitting up and walking back into the bedroom.

„Get some rest, Hazza. I'll call your mom and tell her you'll stay here today."

He kissed my forehead before he left and closed the door behind himself.

I sighed.


„Can you bring me some chocolate Lou? I'm hungry!"

„I'm thirsty, Lou-Lou!"

„I'm hungry again! Can you make me a sandwich?"

„You ate 5 minutes ago-"

„I know but I'm hungry! Please, Lou-Louuuu!"

I whined.

„Okay but stop calling me that."

Louis sighed.

„But it's cute."

„Yeah but I'm not cute."

„Yes, you're cute, Lou-Lou!" I giggled.

„If you say so big boy." He rolled his eyes at me and I pouted.

„I'm obviously the younger one in this realationship so I'm not the big boy."

„Okay...Baby." Louis sighed.

I grinned and showed him my thumb up.

„That's perfect, Lou-Lou. I like baby."

Louis shook his head and smiled at me.

„You're perfect, Harry."

My smile fainted a little and I gulped.

„I'm not."

„You are, Harry. For me you are. Ignore all the idiots out there that are saying the opposite. They don't even know you so they have no right to judge you."

Louis cupped my face in his hands and I sniffed.

„But why do they do that? It hurts me. Don't they see?"

Louis gulped after sighing.

„They surely do see, Harry, but they're assholes so they give a fuck about that. Don't listen to them. Ignore them."

I quietly nodded. „I'll Lou. I promise."


„Lou, the boys in school apologized to me! Their parents saw them mobbing me and they talked to their sons and it worked. They leave me alone now. That's amazing, isn't it? I can finally be happy and go to school without having the fear of facing those guys after school and beeing talked down."

„That's amazing, baby. I'm happy whenever you're. I always love to see you smile."

„And I love everything about you. You're the best husband I could've ever imagined, Lou."

„Me too, Hazza. You're the best person I know. You're my only love. Forever."

„You're mine too. Forever."

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