Chapter 12 (FLUFF)

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I continued whining, trying to pull away from his tight grip on my wrist.

„I don't want to go to school!"

„I told you a million times, Harry: You have to! Your Mom's going to kill me! She already called me yesterday and said she wants you back home next week! And I understand her! When you're with me you aren't concentrating on school and learning which you should be and I think it'd be better to keep a bit of distance now!"

Louis made me sit down on the passenger seat and I crossed my arms in front my chest, annoyed.

„That's so unfair, Lou! I hate you!" I mumbled, angry at him.

Louis let out an ironic laugh while starting the car and driving off.

„I hate you too somtimes. You see, we both need some distance from each other."

I shook my head immediately. „No! I  didn't mean what I said Lou, I-"

Louis glared at me and I shut up, sighing annoyed.

„Shut it, baby. Have fun in school today. You can always text me, remember."

Way too fast we arrived at school and Louis stopped the car.

I glared over at school, angrily.

„I don't want to get in there, Lou. I hate it there."

Louis rolled his eyes. „Harry. Come on."

Louis sighed, lightly annoyed, getting out the car and opening my car door, waiting for me to get out when I didn't do it myself.

„Harry, if you won't get that pretty ass of yours out here now, I'll ignore all your text messages for a whole week and won't answer them!"

I jumped out of the car, immediately.

„Okay, Lou! You've convinced me!"

I cheekly smiled at him, wiggling my bum at him and waved before dissapearing in class.

I looked back at him for a second. He watched my bum.

I cheekly grinned and greeted Niall and Liam when I saw them in the hallway, standing next to their lockers.

„Hi, boys!" I grinned.

„Harry! You're back again! Woho! Last week without you was so boring!" Niall said and hugged me tight.

I smiled.

„I can imagine that. Without me it's always boring, isn't it?"

I joked and Liam punched my upper arm for that.

„Don't be so cheeky, Harry." Niall said and I rolled my eyes a bit, shrugging.

„Louis taught me very well."

I smiled, grabbing their hands and pulling them with me to our classroom.

Niall shook his head in disbelieve.

„I start to believe that this Louis guy isn't good for you, Harold."

„No, he's definetly good for me, Nialler. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me."

I daydreamed about Louis for a second before Mrs Miller pulled me back to reality by saying: „In there now! You're already too late, Mr Horan, Styles and Payne!"

She scolded us further and we quickly rushed into our classroom, sitting down on our seats.


„You can be lucky to have Louis, Harry." Mom smiled as I told her that Louis was taking care of me when I was sick.

I nodded.

„I know mom and I am. I never want to lose him. Ever. He really is the best thing that ever happened to me."

I slightly smiled, thinking about him again. He didn't leave my thought in school and at home neither so I decided to text him.

Louis was at work right now but I'd text him. He could answer me later.

‚Hi Lou-Boo:D
I miss you so much! School was quite alright but I wanted to thank you again for taking care of me last week! I love you sm!
PS: I didn't mean what I said this morning. I don't hate you:( Don't be mad at me, please.
Yours, Harry '

I proudly smiled down at my phone as I hit the send bottom.

Two hours later I had a response from him.

‚Hey Haz,
I miss you too but remember what I said: One week. You can do it, I know it. Great that school was good, and no need to thank. I'll do it anytime again. ;)
PS: I know, baby. It's alright. I'm not mad at you.
Louis xx'

I happily smiled down at my phone and gave it a kiss. I was so happy.

Louis wasn't mad at me. I could do it, he said.

I nodded. I'd try but I really did miss him.

6 days were left. I hoped I wouldn't die from missing him too much.

It would be hard.

Very hard.

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