I - "Past"

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Third Person

"Hitoshi. I'm sorry," a purple-haired woman whispered while hugging the 6-year-old boy as echoing footsteps were heard.

The door behind them swung open as a dark-haired man pulled the woman away from the boy, throwing her onto the floor without issue. He aimed a gun towards her, the woman trying to cower away only to be shot.

The man looked over at the shaking child, pulling him up and away from the now dead woman. The kid stayed quiet as he was dragged by the man out of the house he called home, getting pushed past the body of his father.

"Get in," the man said, pushing the kid towards the back of a truck. The kid simply did as told and pulled himself into the back of the truck, holding his knees close to his head.


Hitoshi stared down at his hands as he sat next to around 15 other kids his age. He looked around the bus as a pro-hero walked between them asking if they were okay.

The now 8-year-old looked over the hero, his eyes watering as the pro walked towards him last since he was sitting at the back of the rescue bus. The pro crouched down in front of him, not bothered by the movement of the bus.

"Now what's your name?" the pro asked. He had a scruffy voice, his eyes were sleep-deprived and he had a look of pity.

"H-Hitoshi Shinsou," he mumbled, continuing to stay folded in a ball, the hero places a hand onto the kid's head.

"Well," the hero stood up and sat down next to the boy, "I'm Eraserhead, it's very nice to meet you."

The kid looked up towards him, his scared form slightly softening, he looked over the hero. This man. This was his ray of hope.

"You know I'm pretty new to this 'Hero' thing," he said, putting a hand around the kid, who leaned into him, "I basically just graduated, and yet this mission was the first one I was sent to."

"How old are you?" the kid asked, looking up at the man, now sitting upright.

"Take a guess," Eraserhead said, looking down at the kid, holding eye contact with him. He liked this kid. He saw himself in him.

"Um..." the kid looked over the hero, "25."

"Oh god! Do I really look that old?" the man joked, unintentionally a bit loud, causing a blond hero's head to shoot towards the two. "I'm just 22. How old are you?"

"I'm 8... I think."

Eraserhead chuckled, looking away from the kid and at the blond that was staring at them. His smile fell and he looked kind of annoyed, the blond simply smiling widely towards him.


"Are you sure? Aren't we kind of young? Plus we aren't even married yet!"

"C'mon Shouta, we've been dating for 6 years and you clearly like him."

Shouta sighed, looking at the kids being taken into the orphanage, "fine. You're right."

"I know I am!" the blond looked proud of himself, getting a chuckle from his boyfriend."Hey, Death Arms," the blond called towards the hero that was leading the mission, "can I talk with you?"

Shouta watched as the blond and bald heroes walked to the side, starting a conversation, which he knew exactly what it was about.

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