Part XVI: Tuesday Thoughts and Tuesday Tine

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(Sorry for the delay! Been crazy busy! I've missed my boys - Tine, Sarawat, and the gang - and I've missed you guys! This chapter is short, so enjoy. Next chapter will be very soon! Please comment and/or rate! :) -J)

After lunch with Tine, I could only concentrate on the unexpectedly fun time we had spent together. I sat in afternoon classes listening to the secret recording of our conversations, making mental notes of notable information Tine had divulged about himself. Later in the evening, as Dim pushed the soccer team through grueling physical drills to prepare for a game on Thursday, I was grinning like an idiot.

That night before bed, I messaged Tine.  I am glad we had lunch together. Let's do it again soon.

As I drifted asleep, he replied, I had a great time too. See you tomorrow!

Tuesday morning, I awoke to two text messages. The first was from Dim. Team, it said, we will be meeting the cheerleaders in the auditorium during the lunch break. We will have regular practice this evening at 5 PM. Anyone that is late or doesn't show up will be cut from the team. I wondered if Dim was worried about the game on Thursday or if he was taking out his anger with Green on the soccer players. Dim always pushed us to our limits, but Monday's practice had been more taxing than usual. I sighed as I thought about another long, backbreaking practice.

The other text message was from Tine. It said simply, Wake up! He included an emoji of a smiling sun wearing sunglasses.

I grinned. Good morning, my sunshine, I replied.

A few moments later, Tine responded with a blushing-faced emoji. Then he wrote, Get out of bed and get to class! Don't be late.

I yawned and stretched as I typed my reply. Am I gonna see you at lunch? The soccer players and cheerleaders are meeting in the auditorium.

Yes, Tine messaged. So hurry and get to class! And I'll see you at lunch.

I grinned as I sent him a winking emoji.

On my way to campus, I thought about the open house. It was only a few weeks away. Other groups around campus were finalizing their plans, and each faculty was also going to have their own booths and exhibits. I had been asked to help the Poly Sci faculty in addition to the soccer players, but I had turned it down. I wanted to spend all my time with Tine.

Tine and I had been chosen to record a short video for the open house, and we would be on posters all over campus and in the town. I laughed when I remembered how I had referred to myself as Tine's boyfriend and Tine's future husband at the second meeting between the team and the cheerleaders. Then I thought about the upcoming video and pictures with Tine. We had agreed not to tell everyone that we were dating each other, but an amusing thought struck me. Once the pictures and video were distributed, there would be no need for Tine or me to pretend that we weren't together. Everyone would see it. Even if people didn't really know if we were together or not, at least the pictures would keep the rumor mill buzzing about the two of us and our secret relationship.

At noon, Mann and Boss met me at the entrance of the Poly Sci Building to walk to the auditorium together. I excitedly explained why I was happy that Tine and I would be taking pictures together, hoping that they would agree with my thinking.

However, Mann seemed unconvinced that my idea was a good one. He sighed, shrugged, and added, "It's just...." He shrugged, then looked away.

"What?" I asked.

"You're assuming Tine will be okay with all of this," Mann answered. "If he's nervous and doesn't want everyone to know you two are seeing each other yet, then he's probably not going to want to have your faces all over campus."

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