Part VIII: Green's Big Gamble

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(Please enjoy! It's appreciated if you'd leave a comment or a rating. Thanks! -J)

After Tine said he would be spending Sunday studying, I figured I should do the same. The semester had only begun a week before, and I feared getting behind in my studies. I wanted to get ahead of my classwork before the soccer season got into full swing, and I needed to make sure I could spend time with Tine without worrying about my grades.

But as I sat at the desk in my apartment that Sunday afternoon, I could barely focus on anything except Tine. We had spent a crazy Friday night with our friends, and most of Saturday I was with him. I reminisced about everything that had happened between us. I constantly checked my phone to see if Tine had called or messaged me, and I had to eventually turn my phone off so that I could focus on my schoolwork. With my phone off, I managed to get four uninterrupted hours of studying done before preparing for bed at ten o'clock that night.

As I was showering, I realized that I hadn't turned my phone back on. I finished showering, quickly dried myself off, and rushed to my phone on my bed. Disappointingly, Tine hadn't reached out once during the day.

I dried my hair and got into bed, but there was no way I would fall asleep without speaking to Tine at least once. Did my nuisance study all day like he said he would?, I messaged him.

Tine's reply came a minute later. I'm still studying, he wrote, sending a picture of his bed covered with books and papers. Ohm and Fong were on the bed as well, but both of them were asleep, sitting up with their backs on the headboard and Fong's head on Ohm's shoulder. They still had books in their hands. They have taken over my bed again!, Tine added.

I took a picture of the empty space next to me in my bed and sent it to Tine. You're always welcomed in THIS bed, I wrote.

PERVERT!, Tine immediately responded. He then asked, Are you going to the meeting tomorrow for the cheerleaders and soccer players?

I had forgotten about the email Cookie and Dim sent on Friday telling us to meet them in a practice room in the Music Building on Monday afternoon. It would be the second time the two groups would be together, and I smiled to myself as I remembered kissing Tine at the first meeting.

I'm going, I texted. Are you?

Of course, he replied. He quickly added, You have to be there with me.

I smiled again. Does my nuisance miss me?!

Tine sent a picture of his middle finger raised. Who misses you?! Not me! You need to be there to protect me from Green.

Tine's text reminded that I needed to text Green as well. I hadn't spoken to him in a few days, and I needed to see what the next part of the plan would be.

I messaged Tine, Its ok to say you miss me because I miss you, too.

Another middle finger picture from Tine came immediately after I sent my message.

Do I need to come and kick Ohm and Fong out of your bed again?, I asked.


I realized that Tine couldn't have remembered Friday night when I moved Ohm and Fong out of his bed and put him in it. By that time Tine was well asleep. I wondered whether or not to tell him about it, then decided I would tell him to see if it would jog his memory to when he kissed me on the cheek before falling asleep. Friday night I moved Fong and Ohm out of your bed so you could sleep in it, I confessed.

Oh! I remembered Fong and Ohm being in my bed, but when I woke up I was in my bed and they were on the floor. Thanks! Tine sent a smiley-face emoji with his message.

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