Part XXX: Frolicking in the Fitness Center

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That morning, it seemed everyone on campus was talking about that poster. However, the poster with me and Tine wasn't the only Open House sign going up that day. Different university departments, clubs, and teams had posters, and by early afternoon almost every lamppost and bulletin board had a poster on it. Some signs were simple, with the group name and descriptions; other posters used group pictures with bright and catchy designs. The Political Science Department unfurled an enormous billboard with images of current students - me included - and well-known alum. It was so large it blocked the windows on two floors.

Tine couldn't join me for lunch - he had to talk with Cookie about something - so I promised to meet him afterward and walk him to his afternoon class. Boss and Mann were free, and we used the lunch break to catch up on each other's lives.

I walked to the Fitness Center a little before one. Tine was still in his meeting with Cookie, so as I waited for him in the hallway, I browsed a nearby billboard full of flyers.

As I read a poster from the Cooking Club about them doing demonstrations at Open House, I heard a thud in a room near me. Something, or someone, had dropped on the floor. I realized the sound had come from Dim's office. Although Dim and I had seemingly patched up our friendship only a few days before, I hesitated to check on him. I was still skittish about speaking to him. But a sinking feeling crept into my gut when I heard no sounds from the office.

I walked to the door and listened but couldn't hear anything.

As one hand tapped on the door, I turned the door with my other hand.

"Dim, are you - OH MY GOD!"

Faster than a lightning strike, the scene seared into my brain.

Dim's computer monitor was on the floor next to his desk.

Dim was facing the door, leaning on the front of his desk. His head was tilted back, his eyes closed, and his mouth hung open in what I instantly recognized as someone in the throes of ecstasy. His pants were around his ankles.

In front of Dim, a person knelt, one hand reaching up into Dim's shirt, rubbing his chest. The other hand, I couldn't see because that person's head was in the way. It didn't take a genius to know what that other hand was holding.

Dim's eyes shot open and locked with mine. In a flash, he reached down and pulled up in pants in one swift motion, almost knocking the person on their knees onto their back. Dim stared at me, wide-eyed and mouth agape, as his tan skin went as white as porcelain.

"Sarawat?!" he gasped.

As quickly as Dim pulled up his pants, the person in front of him popped up from the floor and spun around. My brain almost went blank.


"Sarawat?!" Green's jaw dropped. His eyes were like saucers.

From ghostly white to crimson red, Green's complexion changed, and like Dim, Green's eyes were bulging, and his mouth was hanging open.

They stared at me for what felt like hours but were no more than a few seconds, and I stared at them in complete silence.

My mind raced: Is what I thought was happening actually happening, or am I misinterpreting the situation? But quickly, I concluded Dim and Green were doing... something.

Oral sex, Sarawat. Green was giving Dim oral sex, my brain finally accepted.

Once reality settled, more questions poured into my mind. How? Why? When? Who?! WHAT?!

Green finally broke the silence and stopped my mind from running any further. 

"What, uh... what are you doing here?" he asked, looking towards me but not at me.

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