Part XXI: The Religiousness of a Moment

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After finishing my bowl of congee in the park, I strolled home, taking a detour through campus. The sun was warm on my face, and the fresh air was invigorating. I had no urgency to return to my apartment; there was nothing for me to do until the game at five o'clock. Walking through campus gave me an excuse to see Tine possibly. I wanted to bump into him, so he could see that I was out of bed. But being on campus meant I risked having my good mood ruined by members of the Sarawat's Wives' Club. Yet, when a trio of girls approached me with giggles and coos, I didn't coldly dismiss them. I felt no need. I smiled and respectfully bowed to them before excusing myself to continue walking home.

I couldn't stop smiling even if I tried, I realized. I was grinning at everyone I passed. Most people smiled back. Some people stared at me with such confused faces, I laughed. I knew I rarely smiled on campus, but I didn't think that seeing me smile would be so shocking to them. Those confused faces made me laugh all the way home.

As I unlocked the front door, my phone buzzed: I had a text from Dim. My jaw clenched, and I exhaled through my nose slowly, afraid that his message would ruin my good mood. I closed the door, kicked off my shoes, and slumped on the edge of the couch before reading his text.

Thunderstorms are forecasted for tonight. The game is canceled.

Soccer was my therapy; I always felt good after a win. Postponed or canceled games generally irritated me. But after reading Dim's message, I didn't feel irritated or disappointed. I only felt elation. I relaxed, stretching my legs onto the coffee table. I smiled as my fingers hurriedly typed a message to Tine.

The game is canceled!

I just heard, Tine replied. Sorry!!

Don't be, I responded. It means I get to spend more time with my boyfriend.

Tine sent a blushing face emoji before asking, What are you gonna cook for me?

I grinned. It'll be a surprise.

Should I be nervous?

No! I added a winking emoji. I can't wait to see you tonight.

Tine replied with a smiling emoji. I gotta go to class. I'll see you around six.

I closed my eyes and sighed contentedly.

I knew that cooking for Tine would show him how special he was to me. Tine loved to eat, and I was convinced he would eat and enjoy anything I served. However, my cooking experience was limited to a college student's easy and basic recipes. Whatever I cooked, it had not only to be tasty, but it also had to be memorable. It would be the first time I cooked for Tine – my boyfriend Tine, I liked to remind myself – and I wanted him to remember that night.

My eyes flung open when an idea popped into my head. I scrolled through Tine's pictures on Instagram. There were so many selfies that you would think he was vain if you didn't know Tine. But Tine also routinely posted photos of foods and restaurants he enjoyed. Beneath a picture of a simple plate of yellow curry with rice, Tine had written: No matter where I am, yellow curry always makes me feel like I'm at home.

I shot Green a text: I need a recipe for yellow curry! Promptly, Green responded with a recipe, including a list of the ingredients I would need to buy. I rushed to the market near my apartment, bought everything I would need, and returned home.

I placed all the ingredients on the counter and read the recipe. It was still early afternoon – only 2:30 by that time – and since Tine wouldn't be coming over until six, I started watching TV to kill some time. My eyelids were heavy, and I began to yawn, so I set an alarm to wake me in an hour. I lay on the couch and quickly fell asleep.

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