Part XXXI: (Tine + Green) - Dim = ?

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I was so exhausted by Tuesday afternoon I didn't want to play in the match scheduled for that evening. So much had already happened: the Open House posters were up, I had caught Dim and Green in an awkward situation, and an intense argument occurred. The day was wearing me out, and the thought of playing soccer made my whole body feel heavy. I prayed for the game to be canceled.

I was worried about seeing Dim again and how our next interaction would go, and I felt similarly about bumping into Green. I would be happy to avoid seeing them for the rest of the day. On the other hand, I didn't want to miss the game and disappoint my teammates. I figured if I turned up late for the game and rushed on the field, I would avoid having to interact with Dim. When the game was over, I could run home and spare Dim and me the awkwardness of facing each other so soon after what happened earlier.

I was relieved when I arrived late and saw that Dim wasn't there. The cheerleaders were practicing in the Fitness Center, so I wouldn't have to deal with Green either. I felt slightly guilty that I didn't want to see either of them, but I wasn't ready to face them. Knowing that Dim and Green wouldn't be interacting, I could relax a little more, and I happily played the first half of the game.

However, my relief subsided when I left the field at halftime. On the sidelines, the team was in a panic. According to the rules, we were required to have a coach present during the game. But Dim hadn't arrived yet, and no one had been able to get in touch with him. The refs were debating canceling the game. Thankfully, a teammate noticed the university's basketball coach watching the game from the bleachers. The team explained the situation to him, and he agreed to stand in as coach until Dim arrived.

During the second half of the game, I constantly checked the sidelines to see if Dim had shown up. Still, even as the final whistle sounded to end the game, Dim wasn't there. The team thanked the basketball coach for filling in at the last minute, but our budding concern for Dim outweighed our celebration. After the game, we stood together, trying to convince each other that nothing terrible had happened to Dim. Someone suggested he was busy with something significant and simply forgot to tell us. Someone else wondered aloud if he had lost or broken his phone and didn't realize what day or time it was.

I messaged Dim on my way home. Hey, I hope you're not upset about what happened today. It's all good!! The team missed you at the game, but we won tho! Can you text me or call me later? I hoped Dim would reply to me before bed, but he still hadn't responded after I showered and got into bed. As I drifted off asleep, I decided to message him once more. Please text me or call me. It's important.

Wednesday morning, I immediately checked my phone when I awoke. There were no messages or missed calls from Dim. No one on the team had spoken to him either, and our group chat began to fill with worry. I showered and dressed for class, trying to keep my mind from wondering what could have happened to Dim. I hoped it had nothing to do with me walking in on him and Green or their intense fight afterward, but I was beginning to think his absence was partly my fault. I couldn't tell the team what had happened, so I volunteered to go to Dim's apartment at lunch if he hadn't responded to anyone by noon.

Tine and I met at the front gate to walk to class together. I avoided the topic of Dim's absence, although it was the most pressing thing on my mind. Tine was in a good mood, and I didn't want to ruin it by mentioning what had happened the day before. I let Tine know I might be busy for lunch, but I'd see him later that day when the soccer team and the cheerleaders were to meet to discuss our Open House responsibilities. Tine and I hugged, I kissed him on the cheek, and we went to our classes.

Just before lunch, the soccer team members received a group email. The Dean wanted to speak to us. All players were to meet in the auditorium in the Fitness Center at four o'clock.

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