/𝟏𝟐/ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Sophie nervously plucked out an eyelash. She managed to snag a chance to talk to Katherina alone. Katherina was being interrogated inside at this moment and she didn't want to see it, she knew it wasn't pretty. When a technopath went inside to set up a device which he said imitates inflicting, her heart pounded, she was inflicted once in her life and it was.. she'd rather not think about it. But then again, how hard can The Black Swan be? Right? Wrong. That was proved very very wrong when she walked inside after the interrogation was done. Katherina had a tearstained face and her eyes were red and puffed.

"Oh look! The mighty moonlark is here" Katherina said in a raspy voice - indicating that she was screaming - making Sophie glad that the room was soundproof. She walked up to Katherina and placed her hands on her temples, she would be a fool to think that the Black Swan wouldn't be watching her and she wanted to talk in their heads, from outside it would seem like she was trying to read her mind. Solid plan.

"It won't work you know" Katherina wheezed out. "You're wrinkly leader already tried it" Sophie ignored her and did a brain push and BOOM, she was in her mind. Her original plan was to talk to her here and leave, but she changed it last minute.

Sophie pushed a key and pancakes blossoms into Katherina's hand and whispered into her mind

The security will be at minimum in an hour, meet me at my wanderling. 6 in the evening tomorrow, and the password to the main gate is cygnusblack and there should be a backdoor behind you somewhere.

Sophie subtly inserted a coin-like thing into a slot in the chair - she snagged it off the unsuspecting guard-  and Katherina felt the chair's grip release her. She was about to ask something but Sophie walked away leaving Katherina staring at her hands wondering why the Blackswan's moonlark would help her- a Neverseen member.

Hey guys! And that's today's chapter! Sorry if it short! And I decided that my update schedule would be a chapter or two a day! Anyway thank you so much for reading my story! It means a lot

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Hey guys! And that's today's chapter! Sorry if it short! And I decided that my update schedule would be a chapter or two a day! Anyway thank you so much for reading my story! It means a lot. And hope you have/had a nice day - Emma

Date: 5th August 2021  Time published: 8:35 am  Word count: 380 words

Re-edited on: 31st July 2022

(Version1) The Protector Of Shadows - KotlcWhere stories live. Discover now