Final Chapter

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Azalea's Journal

I was grinning like a moron while I was driving home.

Good thing I made amends with her today.

I couldn't imagine what could have happened if I failed to apologized tonight.

Thank God I was forgiven quickly.

It will cost me a lot but it's worth it.

I told her sister to create another account.

That if the weather is clear I will talk with Jho.

I chose that way because of two things.

First is Jaja is now proven to be more clever when it comes to schemes like this. There's more chance that we can get through this swiftly.

And second, I am spending a hefty amount of money for her gaming tablet. Better compensate it more right?

I went out disoriented.

I went home overjoyed.


The days went by smoothly.

Occasionally I've been able to talk with her.

But now that her graduation is only a day away, I am thinking of ways to see her tomorrow.

Boss D asked me if I will hire Jho. I told her that I would love to but, it's up to her if she'll gonna accept it.

As expected, she is so ecstatic.

She'll be starting next month.

Her father will be gone then. So I guess it's gonna be okay from there and beyond.

On the day of the graduation, someone approached Jho.

I didn't came close to her but I am seeing her from afar.

I saw a guy, which I later found out was Nico.

Jho's first boyfriend. Or should I say first person that she loved dearly.

I don't know what happened or what did he say to Jho and her family but, it's pretty obvious that his father got very mad.

I saw Jho cried.

I got so worried that I almost approached them.

That moron tried to went out of the stadium fast.

I saw Jho's father trying to follow him but that man is faster.

I did the honor.

I ran fast. When finally I am just standing behind him, I walked slowly.

I don't wanna make a commotion in that place and time.

I grabbed him just when he was about to cross the street.

He knows me.

And I don't.

He was about to slash me open with his not too little dagger.

But I easily kicked that away from her hand.

I managed to send him to the nearest police station.

He was detained there for the whole day.

Jho's family came after the ceremony.

That Nico's family came only ten minutes before them.

To my dismay, Jho refused to file a case against him.

I suggested that she'll file a restraining order against him.

She obeyed me. Thank God.

At that moment, Jho's father seem to have forgotten that he has his own version of restraining order against me.

He asked me questions about certain laws.

I only know about US Constitution but I managed to be the bridge of him and the policemen.

But after that day, it went back to normal.

I also didn't bother to try to be 'feeling close' just because of what happened.

Jho slept in my home the first night her father left.

The next day is also her first day as my employee.

We never talked about Jho's father since then.

She told me that since her graduation, her father was not as mad to me as he is before.

It's a progress for me. At least I was promoted.

After all that he said right on my face, at least there's an improvement.

Now I can say that only time will make Jho's father softer towards me.

Time can prove him that what we have is a real relationship.

That we are not the same as others.

I don't deserved to ve stereotyped.

Now that everything is all right, we can carry on with our plans.

Jho is already excited for December though it's only mid year.

We'll gonna be in Minnesota. I am about to introduce her personally to my family.

I love her.

She may be the first one who fell in love with me but I know deep inside that we both love each other.

That whatever comes our way, we'll gonna persevere.

Our age differences complemented us.

Her being young brought adventures to my life. There are things that a woman my age wouldn't possibly do but I did.

And at the end of the day it feels good.

My maturity somehow resonated to her.

I taught her life lessons that made her a better person.

And things that she don't have to experience just to gain the lesson.

Everyday I am so thankful that she made a way for me to know her more deeply.

Even Mafe's interference, without her I wouldn't realized how much will I miss.

That Nico. That lunatic kid pacified Jho's father.

And lastly Jho's Papa.

I know that there is no smooth relationship.

Along the way there will be humps, cracks, even sink hole that can either stop us or tear us apart.

But I know that as long as I feel her hand in mine, we can get through it.


We may stumble, but we wont fall.

That's the way it has to be.

Being in a relationship is never easy.

It is never a walk in a rainbow.

It is forever challenged.

And the toughest always wins.

And I will do everything,

we will...

To be champions.

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