21. Can We Talk

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Kina's POV

As Monday morning rolled around, it sucked every ounce of joy the weekend had brought into my life. Not only were my friends not coming to school today but it was undecided whether or not Erika would be at practice later. 

"You look pretty lonely" I heard Amelia's voice sound from behind me as I looked through my locker for the books I needed for my first few lessons. I mentally cursed as I turned around to face her.

This Monday couldn't possibly get any worse.

"What are you doing here Amelia?" I questioned, running a hand through my hair. A sly smirk appeared on her face.

"My parents thought it was a good idea to transfer me here" she batted her eyelashes at me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"So what does that have to do with me?" The hostility was evident in my voice causing her to wince. She regained her composure before speaking again.

"I was hoping you would show me around. I was thinking maybe we could talk." she spoke innocently. Her little games didn't fool me anymore. I knew very well she wanted more than just to talk.

"You and I both know that you don't just want to talk" I narrowed my eyes at her, slamming my locker shut and leaning against it. I crossed my arms over my chest and eyed her suspiciously.

"Come on I know you miss me Kina. Don't be difficult" her voice was soft but I knew better to fall for her tricks. I only had eyes for Erika.

"I have a girlfriend" I said bluntly. Amelia was evidently stunned at my words as her flirtatious front faltered. 

"Oh. So who is she then?"


"The girl you cheated on me with" Amelia laughed dryly.

"Give it up Amelia. The only person who was unfaithful in our relationship was you" I reminded her. The bell rang, saving me from this conversation. I pushed past her and made my way to my first lesson for the day. 

I sat down at my usual seat and took out my notebook. Today we were bound to learn stuff in class so I had no choice but to pay attention. There was slight commotion from the boys in the class and I turned to the door to see what they were causing a fuss over. 

Standing in the doorway was Amelia, looking around the room for an empty seat. I sighed when I realised the only empty seat in the class was next to me. Amelia made her way over to me silently. 

Turns out this Monday did get worse.

"Is this seat taken?" she asked smugly. I sighed and shook my head. 

"I wish it was" I muttered under my breath. Amelia sat down and set her stuff onto the table.

"So you're taking biology now?" I questioned suspiciously. Amelia had never taken an interest in Biology and always used to tease me for being a nerd for taking the subject.

"I decided I want to do marine biology" she answered.

"What about you. What subjects are you going to take in eleventh?" she asked.

"Well I was thinking of taking Psychology and Sociology, Ecological Biology, Chemistry and Korean Additional Language" I answered her previous question.

"Korean? Why the sudden interest?" Amelia continued with her third degree.

"Well my girlfriend's first language is Korean so I'm learning her language for when I meet her parents" I answered honestly.

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