32. Dinner Time

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Erika's POV

The house was wild with activity from the early hours of the morning. My sisters and I bustled through the kitchen, writing a shopping list containing everything we would need for tonight's dinner with Kina.

"Erika where's the cleaning stuff?" Taeyang asked. The exhaustion was evident on his features. It was way too early for him. It was way too early for all of them.

"Hallway cupboard. Second shelf" I answered. He nodded gratefully and disappeared into the hallway. I turned to my sisters who looked equally as tired as Taeyang. 

"Why do you all seem so dead?" I giggled. Aideen glared at me as she took another sip from her cup of coffee. 

"Erika its three in the morning on a Friday. We usually only get you up for school around six or seven" Aideen groaned. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the fridge. 

"Have we decided what we're making for dinner?" I questioned, inspecting the various shelves in the fridge. Aideen leaned her hip against the kitchen counter and ran a hand through her hair. She read the list out to me. 

"Dessert?" I asked. 

"Korean or Western?" Hyejin asked pulling out the family recipe book. I looked at Aideen for an answer. She shrugged. I sighed and tried to rack my brain for an answer. 

"What about Aunt Minhyo's chocolate cake" I finally spoke. Aideen nodded and wrote it down on the page in front of her.

"Taeyang and I will go grocery shopping while you two are at school. Go sleep I'll wake you up in a few hours" Aideen instructed. I nodded and slowly made my way back to my bedroom. I couldn't help but long to be in Kina's arms when I returned to bed. 

The hoodie that usually brought me comfort had began to take on my scent instead of hers. 


Kina's POV

The whole drive to school I couldn't wait to see Erika. Although we saw each other every single day, I still couldn't get enough of her presence. She has a hold on me that no other person has ever had. 

"Your driving is getting better" my mother said softly. My birthday was next week and so was my driving test. I had been driving up and down the neighbourhood to make sure that there was no chance that I would fail my test. 

"Practice makes perfect" I sighed in relief as I successfully pulled into a parking space. I turned off the car and got out.

"I'll see you later. I might go to the studio with Erika after school" I told my mother before walking into school.

"Kina you have an emergency" Cassie dragged me in a random direction as soon as she saw me.

"Cass what's going on?" I questioned. Cassie remained silent as we made our way through the hallways. I was dragged into an abandoned classroom where Erika, Gale and Jae were waiting for me. I hadn't seen Jae in ages. Jae only came back when one of us was in trouble. 

"Kina" Erika sighed in relief as she wrapped her arms around me. I placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Does anyone want to tell me what's going on here?" I pushed. Cassie looked at Gale and Jae before all three of them looked at me.

"You have been summoned" Jae's voice and facial expressions were serious.

"By Erika's father" Cassie added. I looked at Erika in confusion.

"I came out last night and I told my dad about you and now he wants to meet you" Erika confessed. 

"Why didn't you tell me you came out? I'm so proud of you" I picked Erika up and spun her around causing her to giggle. I placed her down on the ground and kissed her gently.

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