12. Bathroom Chats

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Kina's POV

I woke up at ten the morning after Zara's New Years Eve rager. A splitting headache tore through my skull causing me to groan. Zara waltzed into my room with a bottle of Aspirin and a glass of water. 

"Why did you let me drink that much yesterday" I groaned. Zara chuckled and handed be the glass of water before placing two pills into my hand. 

"You and your friends were having fun. I didn't want to stop you" she teased. I hissed as she pulled open my curtains and opened the windows. 

"You have to get up and get ready. We have to be at Aunt Mirage's house by 12" she instructed before walking out of my room and closing the door behind her.  Eventually I was able to drag myself out of my bed. When I arrived downstairs my mother was busily running around the kitchen. 

"Morning mom" I rasped. She looked at me and put a hand on her hip. 

"There's my sleeping beauty" she chimed. I made myself a strong cup of coffee to drain the remaining alcohol from my system. I leaned on the kitchen counter as my mother busied herself with preparations for today's events. 

"Kina go get ready. After I'm done here we're going to leave okay?" My mom instructed. I nodded and placed my empty coffee cup in the sink. I walked upstairs to the bathroom to relieve the remaining hangover with a cold shower. 

 I got dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans and the black Nirvana band shirt. To top the outfit off I paired it with a pair of Vans. 

"You feeling better princess?" Zara teased when she saw me.

"Don't start. You know full well you threw up five times last night" I shot back causing Zara to  glare at me. I went to the fridge to grab two chocolate brownie protein bars. 

"Kina eat something proper for breakfast" my mother chimed. I groaned. 

"This is proper it's protein mom" I whined. She rolled her eyes. 

"Sometimes I just give up with you" she sighed. I escaped from the kitchen and went to bother Zara in the living room. She was watching some gossip channel on tv. 

"You know these celebrities call the paparazzi on themselves right" I opened one of the brownie bars and took a bite. Zara rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah because Kim K just tells them exactly where she's going to be and exactly when she's going to leave" she explained sarcastically. 

"That's exactly what she does. They even pay her to do it" I agreed. Zara groaned. 

"Are you just here to annoy me?" she asked. I nodded, cheekily placing the empty protein bar wrapper on her head. 

"Fuck off Kina" she snapped, slapping me really hard on the thigh. 

"I'm telling mom" I teased as I took off running towards the kitchen. 

"Don't you dare Kina I swear to God I will choke you to death!" Zara yelled pulling me back. 

"I prefer doing the choking" I smirked. Zara hit me on the shoulder. 

"Don't make shit weird" she pushed me away from her. I took the time to try and escape but she pulled me back again. I decided to try a different approach of getting on her nerves. 

"Zara you're hurting me" I whined as loud as possible. She narrowed her eyes at me before muffling my screams with her hand.

"Shut the fuck up" she whispered. I licked her hand causing her to pull it away in an instant. 

"Kina you are so annoying. I'm gonna kill you!" she screeched. 

"Kina stop annoying your sister she's older than you" my mom shouted from the kitchen. I gasped and feigned horror. 

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