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Hwang Hyunjin.

Your High School's celebrity. Everyone's crush. The school's 'Prince charming'. Popular for his sharp killer looks, and a cold yet sweet personality. 

Your childhood best friend. Wait- could you even call him that anymore?

Flashback 11 years ago

You were 6, running around playing with some of the neighbors that were around the same age as you. Trying to run and catch the frisbee one of the older kids had thrown, you ran into something hard. It felt like smashing your face against a brick wall. Immediately, tears filled your eyes as the bone of your nose had been smacked and you tasted blood. Realizing blood was filling your mouth you started to scream and cry. Tears were blurring your vision as you tried to look up to see what or who you had run into. A young boy, most definitely the same age as you. You could see how he started to panic and tears filled his own eyes too. He pulled you up and took you to some adults who were supposed to supervise their children. "Help! This girl's mouth is bleeding!!" His high-pitched voice catching the attention of most of the adults who were talking to each other. You saw your mother and ran to her crying as she was preparing to take you to the hospital.

You didn't see the young boy after that. You were at the dental clinic getting your mouth cleaned of blood and one of your already wobbly baby teeth pulled out. It was painful which caused the right side of your face to swell and slightly bruise up. Luckily, your nose was completely fine and had a slight bruise on it too. Later, you arrived back home slightly sleepy from all the adrenaline rush you went through earlier. Following behind your mother- you saw the same boy from earlier. Holding a purple card with a big chocolate bar in his left hand. You could see the sadness in his eyes as your mother noticed you both looking at each other and ushered you to go talk to him. The boy handed you the card and was about to give you the chocolate bar until you rejected it. "I can't even eat that now, my mouth's all swollen up thanks to you, hmph." You crossed your arms slightly pouting with furrowed eyebrows. Not even a few seconds later he started bawling in front of you. Big tears started streaming down his now flushed red cheeks which made you panic. "I-I'm sorry! It's okay I'll take the chocolate- please don't cry!" You blurted out trying to take the candy bar from his small hands. The boy smiled at you weakly and gave you the candy he was holding. "I'm Hyunjin, what about you?" He asked wiping his tears away. "Y/N." You managed to say through your throbbing right cheek. "Get well soon Y/N, maybe we can play again soon!" He smiled brightly and waved as he ran back to his house where you could hear his mother calling out for him. "Bye...Hyunjin." You spoke as you read the card. 

A sorry and get well soon letter. His handwriting was a bit messy but your 6-year-old self didn't care. At least he put effort into it. You gently rubbed your throbbing cheek as you walked back to your mother who was waiting for you back at the veranda. "What did he say?" She asked smiling at you happily. "Oh- he gave me a card and chocolate bar- Mummy my cheek and mouth hurt really bad." You started to whine as she chuckled and took you inside to help you freshen up.

Ever since then, you and Hyunjin just clicked together. Two peas in a pod. Similar interests, except opposite personalities. He was fragile and sensitive while you were strong and bold. It was as if you had to protect him from anything that would harm him. And guess what? You didn't mind. You were his best friend after all. 

Everything was alright until Hyunjin had to move away from the neighborhood one day. You were both 14 sobbing your eyes out saying your goodbyes as if he was going to war and would never return. You guys promised to stay in contact and meet up whenever you could during school holidays until one day, he stopped replying to your messages. He stopped answering your calls. You were blocked. Restricted from any social media you followed each other from. This lead you to so much confusion and heartbreak. "Did I do something wrong?" "Why did he ghost me out of the blue...?" You asked yourself these questions every day. 

Present time

Over time, you started to forget about this problem. You had moved on from that horrible period of gloom. You made new friends, were known as one of the most attractive girls in the school, and were overall very popular. Who knew 17-year-old Y/N would have such a huge glow-up?

Again, everything was doing so well until you saw Hyunjin attending the school you were going to again. You tried so hard to talk to him but never found anytime where he was alone. He was always swarmed by girls with their stupid love confessions for him. The only time you spoke to him was when you were partnered up for some classwork. It was really awkward and hard for you to start a conversation with him as you were intimidated by how handsome and taller he had become. His hair was longer, silky while his eyes held the same innocence from years ago. Everything was nice about him until it came to his personality. He wasn't the kind, sensitive Hyunjin you knew. He was colder, rude, and full of himself. When you did manage to start a conversation, it went like this...

"Hyunjin...why did you ghost me? You do remember I told you to tell me if I made you upset right?" You couldn't stand any small talk ever since you were younger. You wanted to get right to the point.

"I'm sorry, but I don't even know who you are." He replied directly which made your ears turn red out of embarrassment and shut your mouth looking back down to the paper you two were working on.

Lies. You knew he was lying. How could he forget the girl who protected him from bullies? How could he forget his best friend?

*The bell rang*


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