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"Y/N!" Y/N's head flew up as looked at Jenny was calling her name. "Jeez- start paying attention Y/N! You've been falling asleep every time we have a conversation." Jenny playfully frowned. "Anyways, there's a senior's party tonight at 8 pm, are you going?" She asked a sleepy Y/N. "Wait- what? I wasn't informed that there would be a party tonight." Y/N yawned. "Oh well obviously you wouldn't know- you slept through the whole of History. The girls and I were talking about the party being held over at my house." Jenny rolled her eyes. "Speaking of sleeping, have you been getting enough sleep?" Hyunjin sat down beside his best friend while she was rubbing her eyes. "Hmm? Yeah, maybe a little bit. I've been studying non-stop for the finals." She rested her face on her palm. "Would you look at that- she's fully awake whenever Hyunjin's with her!" Felix pointed out with a goofy smile. Everyone started giggling. "Y/N- do you perhaps like Hyunjin?" Jisung asked, raising his eyebrows. "What the heck- no!" Y/N defended herself covering her blushing face. "Come on Y/N~, You guys have been friends for years and still don't have any feelings other than 'friendship' for each other~?" Areum winked and Hyunjin who had immediately glared at her.

The boys and Y/N's friends knew Hyunjin had a big fat crush on Y/N. He admitted it to them a while back when Y/N wasn't around.

"Whatever. I'm going to the library to study." Y/N rolled her eyes and took her bag. "Wait-" Hyunjin held onto Y/N's hand. Every single thing Hyunjin would do caused Y/N's heart to flutter uncontrollably. Heck- he could even just be breathing and she'd be fangirling mentally. "H-hm?" She looked at him feeling her cheeks burn. "Let's go there together, I need to study too." He gave her a genuine smile and held her hand, walking to the library with her.

"Hyunjin's really taking his chances," Jisung said with wide eyes. "Eh, it's obvious Y/N likes him back. She's always so blushy and nervous whenever he's around. She only gives him full attention these days too. She starts to lose her cool composure and becomes a nervous wreck." Areum chuckled nibbling on her sandwich.

"Hyunjin! Why are you holding onto my hand- let go!" Y/N's heart started beating faster. "What? don't you like it?" He winked at her flirtatiously. Y/N looked away. "Why do you keep avoiding your lovely doofus's gaze hm~?" Hyunjin held her face to make eye contact. "Was Areum right? Do you like me?" He questioned with mischievous eyes. "Oh hell no-" Y/N spat pushing Hyunjin's face away and giggled. "That's only going to happen in your dreams, Jinnie." She smiled walking into the library, leaving Hyunjin outside in shock.

"Did she just-" Hyunjin's eyes widened. He didn't realize how hard he was smiling until he heard whispers from students walking past him, then ran inside after Y/N. The entire time, he wouldn't stop thinking about the new nickname Y/N had given him until she sighed, laying her head on the table facing Hyunjin. "What's wrong?" He closed his book and looked over to her. "Nothing...I'm just sleepy." She replied rubbing her eyes again. Hyunjin copied Y/N and laid his head down on the table too, facing Y/N. They both silently stared at each other while breathing calmy until Y/N closed her eyes wandering off to dreamland.

"When did you become so beautiful Y/N?"

Hyunjin thought to himself, putting a stray lock of Y/N's hair behind her ear. A small smile of admiration crept upon his face as he pulled her close to him and fell asleep holding her. 

"Felix are you going to be- AWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!" Jenny squealed looking at the sight in front of her. The 4 had come to the library to talk to Hyunjin and Y/N since they were getting bored but walked into a whole lovey-dovey moment. "Y/N needs to stop running away from her feelings towards Hyunjin," Areum spoke blankly looking up from her phone. "Seriously- they look so good together." Jisung smiled.

Not even seconds later Y/N woke up feeling someone holding her. It was warm and she felt like snuggling closer to them until she recognized the scent of the person. "H-HYUNJIN WHAT THE HECK-" Y/N stood up blushing uncontrollably yanking herself out of Hyunjin's grip. His head flew up to see Y/N in a really flustered state. "Y/N wait- you were shivering-" He tried to explain himself except he saw Y/N walking towards the library exit. He looked behind him to see his friends looking at him with shocked expressions. "Jeez- no wonder why she got so flustered." He frowned speaking up. "Go get your girlfriend Hyunjin-" Jisung cheered on. "Oh shut up! She's not my girlfriend!" He waved his hand and walked outside awkwardly. "Hmm..soon to be girlfriend it is then." Felix corrected, making everyone snort.

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