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Y/N expected to see her mother cooking dinner except...

There was a tall, scruffy-looking man who stunk with the scent of alcohol looking back at Y/N. "WHO ARE YOU?!" Y/N yelled, dropping her bag. She took a step closer to see her mother on the floor. Bleeding from her forehead and had a fresh bruise on her cheekbone. Y/N looked up glaring at the old man. "WHO ARE YOU?! TELL ME!" She screamed. No reply. "HOW DARE YOU HURT MY MOTHER?!" She grabbed the man by his collar. He smiled revealing his disgusting yellow teeth almost making Y/N want to throw up. "Well dearest, I'm your father." He spoke with ease. "WHAT?! NO, YOU AREN'T, WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO MY MOTHER?!" She slapped the man. "Y-Y/N- don't hurt him! It's true...he is your father. He's here to visit you." Y/N's mother sat up coughing. She rushed right to her mother, helping her sit on the couch. "Did- did he do this to you?!" Y/N whisper yelled to her mother to which she nodded. Y/N looked at the man again. 

She stood up and walked over to the man. "You leave me and my mother and remember me now? You're so full of shit old man!" Y/N spat. The man somehow remained calm. It was starting to scare both the mother and her daughter. "How about we sit down and have a proper conversation?" He spoke staring back at Y/N.

Y/N sat down beside her mother, intertwining her fingers with her mother's. Her 'father' took a seat right in front of them. "Now tell me Y/N, don't you feel suffocated in this house?" He questioned. Y/N immediately shook her head as a no. The man frowned. "Listen to me, honey, I'm a rich man, have a better house than this pile of dung, and can shower you with all the riches I have. Hell- You won't even have to worry about school too. Just do me a favor and move in with me and your stepmother." He smirked smugly. Y/N's mother scoffed. "Y/N WILL NOT BE GOING ANYWHERE! SHE'S HAPPY LIVING- LET GO OFF ME MICHAEL!" Y/N's mother screamed as she was grabbed by her hair and thrown at the glass vase by her ex-husband. "MUM!" Y/N ran to her. Her mother's back had started to leak with blood. Y/N took hold of her phone and was about to call an ambulance until her father had caught onto her arm and pulled her up. "Since you won't listen to me...I'LL FORCE YOU INTO THIS! YOU'RE YOUNG AND GOOD-LOOKING ENOUGH FOR MY BUSINESS TRADE." Her father yelled in her face. "I'll just sell you off and make a fortune." He laughed seeing tears flow down the frightened 17-year-old.

Y/N started screaming, throwing things around trying to start a ruckus to get attention from her neighbors for help. Her father continued to pull and drag her closer to the exit until...

Hyunjin broke open the window and climbed in. Y/N looked at Hyunjin with glossy eyes. "NO- DON'T EVEN TRY- HE'S HARMFUL YOU'LL GET HURT!" Y/N cried as she saw Hyunjin grab a hold of a chair. "Who is this? You're stupid little boyfriend? Time to forget him and move on." Michael groaned and tightened his grip on Y/N's arm. "Y/N ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE YOU MONSTER!" Hyunjin yelled at the top of his lungs hitting Michael with the chair hard enough to knock him out. Y/N screamed thinking she'd get hurt and covered herself until it was silent. 

Sirens could be heard from outside as paramedics rushed inside the house and took Y/N's mother inside the ambulance and immediately drove to the hospital. Police stayed over and spoke to Hyunjin and neighbors who had heard the screaming and witnessed Michael hitting Y/N's mother through the windows. Eventually, things calmed down once he was arrested and taken to jail. 

Y/N was in so much shock she was shaking, not even realizing she was crying. Hyunjin walked over to her and pulled her closer to him. He held Y/N in his arms gently stroking her back as she squeezed his hand crying into his chest. Once he heard no more sobs from Y/N, he lifted her up, holding her tightly, and took her to his house. Fortunately, Hyunjin's parents were out of town this time so he was home alone once again with Kkami. It was obvious Y/N had fallen asleep on him from how limp her body had become. He let her sleep in his bed and took Kkami in his arms. "Don't bark in here, my friend needs to sleep." He spoke to his dog as if it would understand him. He was about to leave until he felt soft hands holding onto him. He turned around and saw Y/N mumbling in her sleep. He knelt down to her level and held her hand gently. "I didn't leak your stupid diary pages, I swear I didn't even read them," Y/N muttered as Hyunjin quietly giggled. "I know I know. Just rest for now." He patted her head as a small smile crept up onto both of their faces.


Y/N woke up to feeling her hand being held. She slowly sat up and saw Hyunjin asleep on the floor with Kkami next to him. She recalled the horrific events from last night and immediately remembered her mother. She ran out of his bedroom and went through her bag. (Luckily Hyunjin brought it with him). She dialed her mother and surprisingly she answered fast. "M-mum are you okay?!" Y/N cried. "I'm alright honey, just a few cuts but the doctors said I'd heal in 3-4 days. How about you? Where are you?" Y/N's mother spoke quietly. "I'm...I'm at Hyunjin's house. He let me sleepover at his place after yesterday's problem." Y/N smiled weakly as she thought of how kind Hyunjin was to her these past few days. "That's good. I'll come home soon and make dinner for the both of you as a thank you." Y/N's mum replied smiling from the other side. "Alright, bye mum," Y/N said goodbye as she hung up. She turned around and bumped into something hard. 

"WACK- OW!" Y/N covered her mouth. "Watch where you're going bunny teeth. I don't want you having your tooth pulled out again." Hyunjin chuckled recalling the first time they met. Y/N giggled and got lost in his beautiful eyes. "Earth to Y/N?" Hyunjin waved his hand in front of her eyes to get her attention. She flinched walking back into the wall seeing how close she was to Hyunjin. Except- HE KEPT COMING CLOSER-

He towered over Y/N and smiled. "Did you finally realize how handsome I got?" He smirked as Y/N gave him a disgusting expression. "Hyunjin what the-" She pushed him away until he pulled her into a tight hug. "I- I can't breathe-" Y/N puffed out. "Okay- but on a serious note-" Hyunjin let go of her and sat her down on the couch. "I'm really sorry for hurting your feelings Y/N. I shouldn't have said those hurtful words to you, I'm sorry for ghosting you out of the blue. You have a reason to be upset with me. I just...I know my apology's so sudden but I just really miss having you as my bestie." Hyunjin put his head down, ashamed. It took a moment for Y/N to process everything that she was hearing- "I'm happy you realized how upset you made me. It's okay Hyunjin." Y/N smiled holding his face gently making him face her. 

"Are we friends again?" He asked with innocent eyes.

"Of course we are, doofus!" She smiled pulling him into a hug.

A week later.

Areum and Jenny including Hyunjin's friends were so confused with how quickly Y/N and Hyunjin had gone back to being best friends as if nothing had happened. Y/N's mother had come back from the hospital and welcomed Hyunjin over for dinner after school. 

"Woah- Hyunjin I remember you being so much smaller!" Y/N's mother laughed out of shock seeing how he was towering over both Y/N and her. Hyunjin giggled scratching the back of his neck and took a seat beside Y/N. "He became so much more handsome too, right mum?" Y/N smiled cheerfully once her mother nodded and placed their food in front of them. Hyunjin's cheeks had gone red while Y/N's ears were red. 

"Did I really just say that?"  Y/N asked herself while blushing.

"You really should eat more Y/N-" Hyunjin said with a serious face, putting more food on her plate. "Doesn't she eat at school?" Y/N's mum asked, concerned. "She does, but half of the time she's too busy doing her homework or studying for the finals, so she forgets to eat," Hyunjin replied as Y/N frowned. "She works so hard and here I am getting dumber and dumber every minute of the day." Hyunjin frowned too. "PFFT- YOU FINALLY ACCEPTED IT!" Y/N cackled. "Huh?" Hyunjin asked dumbfounded. "You admitted that you are dumb!" Y/N laughed. Hyunjin looked away frowning. "You promised you wouldn't make fun of how dumb I am in science-" He pouted. "It's fineee~ You're my dumbass after all." Y/N giggled hugging him and ruffling his hair. 

Hyunjin's ears felt like they were going to explode. His cheeks were heating up and his heart rate started speeding up. Y/N on the other was so visible she was blushing, she felt as if her heart was going to fly out of her chest. Why was her body doing things automatically?!

"Y/N- what the hell are you doing to me?"  Hyunjin thought to himself, blushing.

"What the hell are you doing to my feelings Doofus?"  Y/N thought to herself while looking into Hyunjin's eyes silently.

"Ship." Y/N's mum chuckled.

Hyunjin immediately got up choking on air, his face red as a tomato. 


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