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Y/N stormed away from Jenny's house leaving everyone behind, sobbing. She made her way under a tree at the park. It was raining outside again. Except even more heavily. She shivered, pulling her knees close to her chest putting her head on her knees. She closed her eyes just wishing to vanish.

Hyunjin ran outside, his heart thumping. Thoughts began to fill his mind making him feel as if he had lost Y/N for good this time. Rain-soaked Hyunjin's hair and shirt yet he kept looking around for Y/N unbothered. 




He started to cry.

He was starting to lose hope and was about to drive to Y/N's home to see if she was there until he heard muffled cries come from the park he was across. It was dark making him use his hearing senses to lead himself towards the cries. He gulped as he walked closer and closer towards the voice. His vision became clearer as he saw Y/N curled up, shivering from the cold. His worried eyes became softer as he crouched down and pulled her closer to him. Y/N started crying even more.

"Why are you here?! Go make out with Areum!" Y/N croaked, covering her tear-stained face. "Y/N...listen to me," Hyunjin whispered to her, pulling her cold hands away from her face gently caressing them. "What is there to listen to?! I hate you, go away!" she wailed pushing his hands away and got up ready to leave but Hyunjin had swiftly pulled her into his arms hugging her figure tightly. He buried his face into the crook of her neck. Y/N stood there quietly, debating if she should leave or stay until she felt hot tears fall on her shoulder. "W-why are you crying, idiot?" She raised her hand to play with his hair knowing it would calm him down. She was supposed to be mad at him but why was she being so soft all of a sudden?

Suddenly, Hyunjin pulled away from the hug making Y/N caress his face with her palm. He looked at her directly, giving her a small smile. "Slap me Y/N." He said quietly. "What? Why?" She asked puzzled. "Just slap me Y/N." He slightly raised his voice. "I'm not going to slap you what's gotten into you Hyunjin?!" Y/N yelled trying to pull her hand away from him. "IT WAS A SETUP Y/N! I wanted to see if you really did or still like me!" He said quickly and braced himself for a hard slap which he received not even a millisecond later. Y/N pushed Hyunjin further and started beating him up like an Asian mother would when her child misbehaves. Slaps, punches, and pinches. "OW OW-Y/N CALM DOWN!" Hyunjin groaned pushing Y/N away from him. "H-HYUN- WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Y/N started crying again, this time out of embarrassment. Hyunjin pulled her closer by her waist and wiped her tears. "It's because I wanted to be sure before I confess to the person I actually like." He chuckled. Y/N glared at him.

"Y/N...I've liked you since we were kids." He giggled, his eyes lighting up. Y/N felt butterflies out of nowhere, her cheeks started heating up. "I've liked you ever since we were 12, I never knew I'd feel something more than what friends would feel towards each other." His eyes started tearing up as he was getting nervous with every passing second, "As I grew up and saw you for the first time after 3 years- I didn't know what got into me but I can't seem to keep myself away from you anymore! Being around you is addicting as a drug to me. Those years I spent ignoring you... I-I went through such a hard time I felt like dying... I'm sorry I put you through such a hard time too..." He chuckled, letting his tears fall. "At this point, it feels like as if my heart only beats for you now Y/N." He smiled weakly, putting her hand on his wet button-up. Y/N could feel Hyunjin's heart pump rapidly. Y/N looked into Hyunjin's eyes with eagerness in them. She wanted to hear those words come out of his mouth.

"I can't keep this to myself anymore, I'm in love with you, Y/N." He started shaking with more tears spilling out of his eyes. "P-please let me be your's..." He asked with a shaky voice, squeezing her hand.

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