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I turned around to face Hyunjin, slightly confused about why he was speaking so formally.

"Go on." I said bluntly.

He took my hands in his and swayed them gently and smiled sheepishly.

"Y/N, I just..." His voice trailed off. "Hmm? Go on!" I smiled, swaying our hands faster. "We've known each other for so many years now, and- I know- we've been dating since 12th grade together. We stuck together during University and...I just- I want to thank you for everything, Y/N." He looked down, not making eye contact.

"Hyun-" I was about to speak until he pulled me into a tight hug. "The day we met...I felt like I had some Angel fly into my face." He giggled as I smiled silently. "I'm just- so grateful to have you in my life. You saved me from bullies, stood by my side through everything and gave me all the love in the world. Of course, I'm still and always will be focusing on returning the same to you, princess." Tears started showing up in both our eyes. "I think now's the time I tell you that...I want to start a family with you, grow old with you..." He pulled away from the hug and went down on one knee, pulling out a small red box.

It's really happening, isn't it?

"So princess, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" He spoke smoothly, showing the beautiful, sparkly diamonds ring with our initials printed in it.

"Of course!" I squealed not even hesitating, Hyunjin slid on the ring and pulled me into a loving kiss. Tears spilled down our cheeks as we both smiled into the kiss and hugged each other tightly.

People could be heard cheering, right- We were in a public park. I blushed out of slight embarrassment as Hyunjin kissed my forehead. We were about to thank the people who were congratulating us until I heard a loud whistle.

I turned away from Hyunjin's gaze to see the same lady at the jewellery store, smiling brightly. She signalled some people to come out from behind a tree. I wiped the tears away from my face and started to pay even more attention.

No way...

Areum, Felix, and Jisung came out and stood beside the lady.

"Wha- you guys are here...where's Jenny?" I asked walking over to them with Hyunjin to give my friends tight hugs. "I'm disappointed that you didn't recognise me, Y/N." The lady frowned, taking off her wig and glasses, revealing her long wavy brown hair and bubbly smile. "JENNY?! You were the lady at the jewellery store?!" I gasped. "Wait- no way- it makes sense now- no wonder why you were so busy these past few days, you were working on the ring, weren't you?!" I recalled. "Mhm, I can't believe you forgot about the fact that I started my own Jewellery business, Mrs Doofus! Hyunjin's kept you distracted so well!" She playfully smacked my arm as she laughed at my shocked face.

"You've been planning this since when?! The last few days?!" I stared at him, in disbelief. "I told you babe, I have so many surprises waiting in store, especially for you~" He winked. "Flirt." I mumbled quietly as he smirked at my flustered state. "Anyways! How about~ We all go eat dinner as a celebration for Hyunjin and Y/N getting engaged?" Areum asked, pointing to a fancy restaurant which was around the corner. "Alright, you guys go first. Me and Y/N will catch up with you guys-" Hyunjin shooed our friends away.

We started walking behind our friends, his arm around my waist, holding me close to him. He kissed my forehead again. "I love you, Mrs Hwang." He smiled, now kissing my cheek. "I love you too, Mr Hwang." I giggled as he blushed, uncontrollably.

"Thank you for making me feel loved, Hwang Hyunjin." I smiled seeing him smile. "I could say the same to you, my universe." He chuckled.

"OI LOVE BIRDS, HURRY UP! WE'RE STARVING!"  Felix yelled from across the street.

Hyunjin laughed, pulling me with him as we both started to run towards our group of impatient friends.

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