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We walked around for a bit, avoiding coming in contact with any staff or teachers. Eventually, we found a way to get out of school which was at the back of the entire campus. The brick wall was huge and I had no idea how to climb up there. I looked up to see Hyunjin thinking. I nudged his arm with my elbow to get his attention.

"How are we gonna get up and out of here?" I asked, slightly getting distracted by how handsome he was. "Hmm...throw your bag on the other side, I'll help you climb up." He explained signaling me to take off my bag. I did what I was told, taking my bag off and throwing it over to the other side. Not even a second passed and he had already picked me off my feet and helped me get on top of the wall. I hopped off on the other side landing on my bag. Luckily there wasn't anything hard inside. "Wait- how are you going to get out?" I looked back. "Haven't you seen how tall I've gotten? I'll manage my way out of this place called hell- Just move away from where you are- Y/N WATCH OUT!" I felt something heavy knock me over. "WAH!" I screamed, falling onto my back. "I-I I'm sorry- are you okay?" Hyunjin was on top of me. His face was way too close. I could feel my cheeks burning as he got up and dusted himself. He gave me his hand to help me stand up but I rejected it- standing up by myself. "I'm fine, lets just go and get started on the project," I replied coldly not making eye contact with him. 

"Come on Y/N, you can't have these feelings towards someone who doesn't like you." 


I walked behind Y/N quietly. I swear I didn't expect to land on top of her- I told her to move but I guess she didn't do so in time. To be honest, I'm happy to have her as my science partner. I've been wanting to be around her for so long. I missed her laughing, scolding and, stares. I just want to run up to her and hug her and apologize for being so cold. But...she leaked the pages of my diary...

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Y/N standing in front of a cafe. The one we'd always go to do our homework together in after school. So many memories in that place. 


The two walked inside, sat down, and started on their work. Two hours went by and there wasn't any talking unless they needed help with something. Hyunjin was beating himself up mentally for being so awkward. Y/N on the other hand looked as if she was holding back her anger?

"Hyunjin," Y/N spoke and looked at Hyunjin right in the eyes as he looked up from his laptop. "Why did you choose to stay as my partner? You know the teachers love you right? You could've asked to change partners and they would've let you." Y/N spoke coldly. "Y/N I- Uh...I guess it's because...nobody wanted to be partners with you after the whole cafeteria incident and-" Hyunjin was cut off. "I was right, heh, it was all of pity." She scoffed crossing her arms. "Y/N, it wasn't out of pity- I just- I could've worded that better-" Hyunjin spoke back trying to defend himself. "Oh just drop it, Hwang! Why would you even choose to stay partnered up with someone who 'apparently' leaked your diary pages huh?" Y/N stood up packing her things. "Y/N- It's not like that I swear!" Hyunjin whisper yelled trying to avoid making a scene. Y/N was already at the exit before he could even explain himself. "Y/N at least let me walk you home- it's getting dark-" He grabbed onto her wrist to stop her from leaving. "You literally said you didn't want to be associated with me- so then why are you trying this hard to stop me from leaving you alone huh?" Y/N glared and Hyunjin. She yanked her wrist out of his grip and ran home. She let her tears of anger spill as it was already raining. 

Back at the cafe, people were staring at Hyunjin. He nervously gulped, took his things, and left. He walked back to his neighborhood and saw Y/N walking into her house. He sighed and walked to his house, doing the same. 

"It's because I wanted to talk things out with you Y/N, I didn't want you to stay alone...I want our friendship back. I won't let you stop that." Hyunjin spoke to himself while playing with Kkami.

A whole week had passed by and Y/N didn't show up to school... 

"I'm getting really worried Jenny, she never does this unless she's really stressed with something- Wait do you think she's-" Areum spoke panicking. "Don't think like that Areum! Y/N's a strong girl..." Jenny spoke trying to message Y/N to see if she was okay. "Yo, dude did you say anything to Y/N that could've hurt her feelings?" Han asked Hyunjin who was already upset. Hyunjin didn't see Y/N leave her house at all for the whole of last week. "She told me off about how I said that I didn't want to be associated with her...she said she's fulfilling my wish of her leaving me alone. I need to talk to her..." Hyunjin explained with his face in both his hands. "I'm sure she's okay- speaking of Y/N, there she is!" Felix pointed to Y/N walking into school with a blank face. 

Areum and Jenny ran towards Y/N almost tackling her, pulling her into a hug. The two girls started apologizing to Y/N. "We're so sorry Y/N. We should've stopped Yeonjun's rats from doing that to you..." Jenny said, her voice breaking. "We won't leave you alone ever again!" Areum who was already crying engulfed Y/N into another hug.

"Jeez- it's fine. You know I don't really care about getting humiliated right? Those rats are just jealous that their rat idol asked me out on a date before all of them." Y/N said as she burst out laughing. Jenny and Areum chuckled, hugging Y/N once again. "Anyway, would you care to let me explain myself that I didn't leak any of Hyunjin's diary pages?" Y/N spoke calmly. "No need- we know you wouldn't do anything like that. We beat Yeonjun up to a pulp together after getting to know he hacked your account to make you seem bad...we're sorry for not listening to you Y/N." They both apologized again. "We even tried telling Hyunjin- but he wouldn't listen to us. He said he just wanted to talk to you." Areum said tilting her head. "How silly- he says he doesn't want to be around me then-" Y/N shut her mouth when she saw Yeonjun coming her way. Y/N wasn't going to seem weak again. Not again. Y/N smirked seeing Yeonjun limp his way towards her. 

"What's wrong? are you going to beg at my feet for me to accept your apology, Choi?" Y/N spoke cockily. Yeonjun immediately went down to her feet and started sobbing. "I'm sorry...I was so horrible. I won't make you seem bad or bother you ever again Y/N." He cried even harder. Y/N's cold eyes softened when she saw a cast around Yeonjun's arm. "Damn, you guys really did beat him up." She looked at Areum and Jenny who were awkwardly smiling. She crouched down to Yeonjun's level and pulled him back up. "It's okay. Let's just end this all on good terms okay? I only want you to own up to your mistake. If you really want me to accept your apology- go tell everyone what you did." Y/N smiled and wiped Yeonjun's tears. He immediately nodded and went around telling everyone he was the one that made Y/N seem bad. Heck, he even posted a whole apology on his social media for doing what he did. 

By lunchtime, Y/N had received apology letters from the entire grade for the whole bullying problem. Hyunjin had watched all this from afar. He watched her from the classroom door as he saw her sitting inside at lunch with her friends, reading all the letters. "Hyunjin." He turned his head to see who had called his name. Yeonjun. "Can we talk for a moment?" He asked to which Hyunjin nodded. 

They both walked to the back of the school.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" Hyunjin looked over to Yeonjun. "I'm just...I'm so sorry for leaking your diary pages. I was jealous of how Y/N was giving you so much more attention than me. I'm sorry dude. It won't happen again." Yeonjun spilled. Hyunjin sighed in relief. Y/N wasn't lying and blaming Yeonjun for nothing. "It's fine bro, now I know not to bring my diary to school." Hyunjin laughed with Yeonjun.

Throughout the week, things had returned to normal. Y/N was with Areum and Jenny, the happiest she could ever be. Yeonjun had started to be less annoying and snobby while on the other hand, Hyunjin was just ignored by Y/N every time he'd try to talk to her.

Oh, how the tables have turned Hwang Hyunjin.

2 weeks went on like this, Hyunjin had lost his patience. One day after school, he followed Y/N to her house without her knowing.


I unlocked the entrance door to my house. "Mum~ I'm home!" I yelled trying to let her know I had arrived home. I walked inside taking off my shoes to greet mum except...



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