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Sitting underneath a green tree, were Hyunjin and Y/N. Cuddling. They were having a little picnic date at the park after their shift at the bakery had just finished. He held her closely as Kkami relaxed in Y/N's arms. She rested her head on his shoulder as he tilted his head to rest on top of her head.

"You know I can't lose you right? I've lost so many people I used to know. I just can't lose you again. Never, never again. I'll keep you safe from harmful people, I promise." He wrapped his arm around Y/N's shoulder, kissing her forehead. "Jinnie?" Y/N looked into his eyes, lovingly. "Yes, princess?" He looked back at her. "Promise that you won't lose me in the process of doing so." She held her pinky out. He looked at her, heart-eyed, and locked his pinky with hers. "I promise, love." He smiled, pulling her into a quick kiss.

The sun was starting to set making it look as if an artist had painted the sky. Hyunjin started packing up the blanket and untouched food in the picket basket, while Y/N fixed on Kkami's leash properly. "It's starting to get dark, come on- let's go." He smiled intertwining his fingers with Y/N's. They were about to exit the park until a group of scruffy old men had walked into the area holding cans of beer. Hyunjin decided to take an exit that was less close to them but they kept eyeing Y/N up and down with dirty smirks on their faces.

"Hey, pretty lady!" One of the men smiled smugly. Y/N didn't look and kept walking with Hyunjin carefully. "Come on baby girl~ You're going to walk away like this? Without even letting me get your number?" He tattled as his mates laughed. Hyunjin clenched his jaw, starting to get annoyed. "Isn't it fucking obvious she has a boyfriend?" He groaned holding Y/N's hand tightly. "It definitely is, but I believe she's way out of your league, young useless man." One of the balding men cackled. Hyunjin had enough of this bullshit and was about to run over and beat the shit out of him and his group up except Y/N held him back, "Just ignore them, Jinnie." She whispered, wrapping her arm around his. "Fine..." He sighed and walked away with Y/N.

The two thought they wouldn't be bothered until one of the men ran behind and slapped Y/N's lower back. Y/N yelped and almost fell forward from the sudden force. Hyunjin helped Y/N balance herself and turned around to see the same man who tried flirting with her. He furrowed his eyebrows and threw a punch at the older man's jaw. Y/N tried to pull Hyunjin away from the man he was beating up but Hyunjin had shoved Y/N away from him. She stumbled back into a firm chest. She tried stepping away but got choked by someone. It was one of the man's friends. He forced Y/N over onto the car. Hyunjin had noticed immediately and got up to help Y/N who was screaming for help but instead, got his hair pulled back by another one of the man's friends. He threw Hyunjin down and started kicking, stepping, and stomping on him. Hyunjin's screams were making Y/N panic making her break out in tears. From the corner of her eyes, she could see two other men put some sort of liquid into a cloth and walk towards her with disgusting smirks on their faces.

Out of nowhere, Kkami barked and bit onto the man's leg who was holding Y/N down and choking her. He let go of her wailing in pain. Y/N was able to push the men away who were stepping on Hyunjin except they caught hold of her and forced her back onto the car. Hyunjin stood up, stumbled towards the picnic basket, and took out two forks. He snuck upon the men and forced the forks into their backs. Kkami finished biting their legs and ran towards Y/N who was shaking. Hyunjin looked at Y/N with drowsy eyes and tried to caress her face but passed out. Y/N caught Hyunjin's limp body and took him to their car with Kkami guarding them.

Y/N drove back home, hands trembling from what she had just experienced and witnessed. Once she had parked in the driveway, she pulled Hyunjin out and let Kkami out of the car. She opened the door, nobody was home. Her mother was still working and would return at 10 pm. She took him over to his bedroom and laid him down on the bed. Kkami was whimpering seeing his owner in such a horrible state. Hyunjin had a bruise on his cheekbone, a busted bleeding lip, and shoe marks on his neck and chest area with scratches and cuts on his arms. Y/N's eyes started to water seeing him in such a bad state as she took out the med kit which was in the bathroom. She walked back, put Kkami away from the bed, and started cleaning the blood away from his lips. She cleaned away the dirt from the shoes on him and started to prepare to put anti-septic on his cuts and wound. She dabbed the cotton bud on his lip in the most gentle way she could do but Hyunjin had still woken up, wincing from the stinging sensation. She soothed his pain by blowing cold air on his lip and cuts. He still shut his eyes closed trying not to tear up from the stinging.

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