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Five months had gone by, the two lovebirds were living life to the fullest.

It was a Sunday night and Y/N couldn't sleep since she was feeling stressed for the final end of the year exam which was the next day. She slapped herself. "Go to sleep you dumbass." She mumbled to herself. She was about to get up and take some sleeping pills until she heard a thud on her window. It repeated again, over and over. She started shaking. Was there something outside willing to get her?

She slowly walked towards her window and opened it getting her face smacked with the chilly cold air of the night. She leaned her head outside to see what or who was hitting her window until she felt something fly into her cheek with force. She winced and covered her cheek and looked down in the direction it came from. As she looked down her eyes met with the so-called love of her life who was holding a pile of pebbles in his hands.

He was smiling at her nervously knowing she could yell at him any minute. But Y/N- not wanting to yell at this time, caught hold of her phone and messaged him.

Y/N: Why are you here? it's 11:47 pm! Go to sleep, we have the science exam, tomorrow doofus!

Hyunjin: I know but I couldn't sleep and I could see you walking around too from my window-, I assumed were awake- Do you want to go out for a drive on my bike? Y'know like actors in the movie we watched together at your house yesterday? :D

Y/N: We're going to get in trouble! What if we get late for school tomorrow?! >:(

Hyunjin: You worry too much princess, I won't really be getting in trouble since my parents aren't home. Hehe. Jump down, I'll catch you~ ;)

Y/N: What?! You're going to break your back if I do that!

Hyunjin: I don't mind, as long as I get to hold you in my arms~~

Y/N: You flirt too much, I'll come down from the front door.

Hyunjin: Suit yourself then. :(

Y/N threw on her jacket and shoved her phone into her side pockets, threw on her shoes, and tiptoed downstairs. Her mother was asleep back in her own bedroom so it was easier for her to open the door and close it quietly. She rubbed her eyes and shivered a bit until she saw Hyunjin smiling at her widely with open arms. She ran into them, inhaling his sweet scent, and gave him a quick kiss. "If I'm late for the exam tomorrow, I won't spare you." Y/N taunted playfully. "Yeah yeah, you could've said no but it seems like you couldn't resist pushing your prince away." He winked as Y/N gently punched his chest.

The two sat down on the bike, put on their helmets, and drove around the city. Y/N snuggled closer to Hyunjin smiling to herself. After driving in the dark for a while, he stopped his bike getting off. "Why'd we stop?" Y/N took off her helmet taking a huge breath of cold air. "Ice cream!" Hyunjin helped Y/N get off the bike. "During winter?! Hyunjin you're crazy!" Y/N chuckled out of disbelief. He pulled her into the service station with him, intertwining his fingers with her's. "Which one do you want?" He looked at her. "I don't know, I'll just go with anything." Y/N rubbed her eyes. "Ah, you're feeling sleepy aren't you? let's go back home-" Hyunjin said putting back the mint chocolate ice cream he was holding onto. "No! No! I'm not sleepy!" Y/N whisper-yelled. "Are you sure?" He questioned as she nodded. "Alright then, take whichever- I'll wait at the register." He ruffled Y/N's hair and walked off.

After buying the ice cream the couple walked to a park that was right across from the service station. They sat down holding hands and enjoyed their cold treat. They played around in the park just like little children would for a while. Y/N chasing Hyunjin because he took her phone, Hyunjin almost pushing Y/N off the swings by accident, Hyunjin getting stuck inside the kid's slides and them two dancing playfully without any background music. Exhausted from spinning so much, Y/N flopped down onto the grass trying to catch her breath. Hyunjin did the same except rested his head on Y/N's chest as she played with his hair. The two looked up at the sky for a while without saying anything. Stargazing. "That star reminds me of you." Hyunjin pointed to the brightest star in the night sky. "Hmm? Why?" Y/N moved her sight from her boyfriend to the sky. "It shines the brightest out of all them just like how you do compared to others around us." He cringed at himself as Y/N burst out in laughter. "When did you become so cringey?!" She sat up wheezing. Hyunjin sat up blankly staring at her. Was his pick-up line that bad? Y/N calmed down a few minutes later as she saw Hyunjin's worried expression. She held his face, squishing his cheeks, and kissed his nose. "It's cute though." She smiled as she saw an adorable smile creep up Hyunjin's handsome face.

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