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You stood up getting to ready leave grabbing your bag, a lot of students were running down to the cafeteria to be first for food but you just took your sweet time. Hyunjin had already left noticed a notebook on his table. A diary? You took a hold of it, fighting the urge to go through it- you shoved it in your bag and zipped it up. "I'll give it to him when I find him." You smiled to yourself walking outside of the classroom. At the cafeteria, you were joined by your two best friends, Areum and Jenny. Those two were also known as the most attractive girls in school.

"Any update on Hyunjin, Y/N?" Jenny asked while walking by your side fixing her hair. "He's just being cold, short answers, no emotion." You sighed, disappointed. "Very well then, ignore him then maybe he'll come to you, haven't you heard the manifestation saying 'I don't chase, I attract, whatever belongs to will come to me~'" Areum spoke blankly while staring at her phone. "It doesn't always work that way Areum! Get off TikTok and see reality for once!" Jenny spoke back as you just walked faster towards the cafeteria feeling your stomach rumble.


I walked into the cafeteria and immediately was surrounded by girls. It was so crowded, confusing, and frightening at the same time. They were all screaming, fangirling, and squealing. "Why are they all surrounding me- these girls normally hate me for being well known-" I thought to myself until I heard a male voice. "Get out of my way! I don't have time to accept your stupid love confessions!" Hyunjin. He rejected every girl out there just like normal. He's been dealing with this ever since he joined the school 7 months ago. I snapped out of my thoughts and followed the crowd which was behind him. "Hey! Hyunjin wait!" I yelled while shoving away the girls that were getting in my way. Hyunjin turned around with a pissed expression. It almost felt like he was glaring at me, with the will to kill me. Just as I was about to get there 2 of Hyunjin's friends had arrived to pull him away from the crowd. Lee Felix and Han Jisung. The popular boys of the school. I frowned to myself seeing the 3 of them disappear from my vision.

Walking back to the table where my friends were waiting for me, I saw a random guy come in my direction. I bolted and sat down with my friends, pretending to be busy.

"Hey, there beautiful." He spoke leaning over our table. "I know I'm beautiful, now get lost," I replied bluntly not even looking at him. "You play hard to get too much, Y/N." He said annoyingly. "I know, but what can I say? I don't take any interest in you and never will." I looked up smirking. It was no other than the grade's well-known, leader of the soccer team. Choi Yeonjun. Yeonjun was a stubborn dude. Never really understood what the word 'no' meant. He didn't care about his grades or friends. You could call him selfish for only thinking about himself. Maybe there's a reason behind all this? "Listen to me, one date and you'll be head over heels for me. I like you, let's go on a date right now. I know you hate school." He kept asking over and over. It was getting on my nerves until Jenny spoke up. "Don't you understand? She's not interested, move on buckeroo!" Jenny yelled slamming her hand onto the table dragging the attention of many other students to us. Suddenly a random idea came to my mind. I signaled Jenny to calm down when I saw Yeonjun's ears turning red. " do me a favor and give this diary to Hwang Hyunjin and MAYBE I'll go on a date with you." I smiled fakely while pulling him down to my level as I gave him Hyunjin's diary. Yeonjun immediately nodded and left with the book to go search for Hyunjin. Jenny and Areum were looking at me with disbelief while on the other hand I was lost in my thoughts. "Maybe he'll speak to me again after he gets to know I found his diary..."

"I just want to know why he's lying..."


Lunch had ended a while later and students were told to go to their last two classes before school was over. Y/N was looking forward to hearing from Hyunjin the entire rest of the afternoon yet she heard nothing. She wanted to talk to him but again, Hyunjin was surrounded by those stupid fan-girls he had. Eventually, the last bell of the day was rung and everyone rushed to leave the school campus. Y/N was walking outside of school with her friends until she saw Yeonjun standing at the school gate. Most likely waiting for her. "You gonna accept his date?" Areum whispered to Y/N to which the other girl rolled her eyes. "Bold of you to assume I would, but- how am I supposed to get out of here now?" She questioned avoiding eye contact with Yeonjun who was already staring at her. "Don't worry, I'll distract him, Areum can take you another exit-" Jenny smiled and waved as she got prepared to face Yeonjun. Areum and Y/N waved goodbye and rushed towards the second exit which was on the other side of the campus. On the way there, Areum looked up from her phone to look at a dazed Y/N. "Hey, what are you thinking about?" She asked, concerned. "Hyunjin," Y/N replied shortly. "Jeez, it sounds like you're more in love with him instead of wanting an answer to why he ghosted you-" Y/N smacked Areum's arm before she could continue as they both burst out in laughter.

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