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6 years later...

"Psst! Harin! Kick the ball to daddy's face, maybe it'll get mommy's attention and she'll stop ignoring me!" Hyunjin whispered to his 5 year old daughter.

The family of 4 were at the park for fresh air. Y/N sat down, giving Kkami more attention to him than her own husband. Hyunjin on the other hand, was playing catch with Harin. In the morning, the couple had a stupid argument about who was spending more time with who. Of course, Y/N was started to feel love starved as most of Hyunjin's attention would go to his beloved daughter.

"That's you're own problem, daddy." Harin spoke back, kicking the ball around. "Baby, please? Daddy will buy you ice cream!" He negotiated. "Fine fine!" She huffed, kicking the ball hard enough to smack Hyunjin's handsome face. He screamed, dramatically falling over onto the fresh grass. Harin was trying to hold back her laughter while Kkami jumped off Y/N's lap and ran over to Hyunjin barking.

Y/N followed from behind and saw Hyunjin crying in pain. She knelt down and started panicking. "H-hey? What happened?" She asked. "Harin- she accidentally kicked the ball to my face-" He fake cried even more. "Harin! How could you be so irresponsible?!" Y/N started scolding the girl. Not even moments later, Harin had started bawling. "Hey- no, baby don't cry!" Y/N sighed. "You know what? Just say sorry to daddy." Y/N spoke, trying to contain her frustration. "A-alright mommy." Harin sniffled, walking over to her dad who was smiling through his pain.

"I'll go get an ice pack- WAAAH!" Y/N yelped, feeling a strong tug on her wrist and fell over onto Hyunjin's lap. "Seems like you really fell for me this time, my highness. You didn't even hesitate to run over here or continue to ignore me~" Hyunjin whispered teasingly by Y/N's ear, giving her a back hug as her her ears turned a deep shade of red.

"YOU LITTLE- YOU GUYS PLANNED THIS HUH?!" Y/N yelled, her cheeks reddening. Hyunjin snuggled closer to her, kissing her cheek. "Hyunjin- I swear I'm going to beat your ass-" Y/N turned around to hit him but Hyunjin had pressed his lips on her's. She tried fighting back but gave in. She kissed him back as Hyunjin held her closely.

"Don't do that again, doofus!" Y/N frowned. "Aww, did I scare my highness?" He smirked,
pressing his lips against her's once again, giving her a loving kiss as she blushed and nodded.

"I hate you, I swear." She rolled her eyes.

"I love you too, my Queen." He winked.

"Eugh- love birds." Harin gagged.

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