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Y/N pushed Hyunjin off her, as she heard his door open. They turned their heads to the lady who was standing there, all dazzled up in a fancy trench coat. "M-Mum!" Hyunjin stuttered, his face completely flushed red. Y/N's heart thumped as she saw Hyunjin's mum after such a long time. 

"She should recognize me, right?" Y/N thought to herself. 

"Hyunjin- why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?!" His mum scolded playfully. Hyunjin pulled Y/N up close to him. Why was he squeezing her hand so tightly though? "I-I guess I was too nervous heh-" He said nervously, looking away from his mother's sharp gaze. "I'm surprised how you managed to pull such a beautiful girl too~!" She clapped. "Hyunjin's very handsome- that may have been the reason why he caught my attention in the first place." Y/N giggled, getting on her tiptoes to kiss Hyunjin's cheek. "Well, what's your name honey?" She asked pulling Y/N outside, downstairs to the kitchen as Hyunjin followed from behind. "It's Y/N!" She smiled brightly. Hyunjin's mother's smile vanished for a split second but she was quick to smile again. "Y/N? Oh've grown so much I didn't recognize you at all! Well then Y/N, why don't you stay for dinner?" His mother spoke through her teeth with a really fake smile but Y/N was oblivious to how fake she was being towards her.

"Sure thing, I'll just message my mum-" Y/N said, sitting down by the island, pointing to her phone. "I'll go have a quick chat with Hyunjin- We haven't seen each other for a while dear." She spoke calmly, taking Hyunjin back to his room as Y/N nodded. Y/N finished messaging her mother and waited outside for the two until a tall buff man walked inside the house. She noticed he was Hyunjin's father and flashed a quick smile. Except- he just stared at her then dashed towards Hyunjin's room where his wife was already scolding his son.


"WHY WOULD YOU BRING HER INTO OUR HOUSE?! IS THIS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN DOING EVER SINCE WE WERE GONE?!" Mum screamed in my face. I looked down in disappointment, not having the guts to talk back. "Hyunjin, why is his daughter in MY HOUSE?!" Father walked inside slamming the door. Kkami sat down in the corner whimpering from hearing the screams. "We thought we could trust you- but I don't think we can now." He scowled, crossing his arms. "This is the last straw, stop talking to her NOW!" He commanded. We're moving back to the city. It's not good to stay here anymore." Mum rolled her eyes. "NO! I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE! I'M NOT LEAVING Y/N. NOT AGAIN!" I yelled. I can't leave Y/N again, she's my world. More than that- she's my universe. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK BACK TO YOUR MOTHER, YOUNG MAN!" Dad yelled, raising his voice and giving me a harsh slap. The force was so hard it almost made me fall back into my desk. Kkami ran in front of me, growling and barking.

"I TOLD YOU ALREADY AND THIS IS THE LAST TIME! SHE'S A THREAT TO OUR FAMILY!" He caught me by my shirt and yelled even more. "I can't leave Y/N. I just can't!" I started to cry. "Why not?!" Mum yelled, eyebrows knitted together. "BECAUSE I LOVE HER DAMN IT!" I pushed my father away from me, lifting Kkami up and putting him behind me. My parents looked at me with both disapproval and disbelief. 

"Hey, Jinnie? My mum isn't feeling well, I have to go-" Y/N opened the door to see me with tears streaming down my face with a red cheek. "What's going on?-  HUH?! HEY- LET GO!" Y/N cried out of pain as my dad threw her against a wall, strangling her. "WHY?! I-I CAN'T BREATHE, HELP!" She coughed fighting against my dad's strength. I tried to stop him but mum held me back. "YOU PIECE OF SHIT! IF MY SON WON'T LET YOU GO, I'LL JUST GET RID OF YOU THEN!" He yelled making Y/N turn her head to me in confusion. "W-what...?" A tear streamed down her face.

I yanked mum's arm off me and ran towards my father, pushing him away from Y/N, I threw a punch at his ear making him loudly yell out of pain. I held Y/N tightly, protecting her from both my parents. I'm not going to lose her again, I won't let it happen. She was shaking violently in my arms, her tears soaking up my T-shirt. 

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