Chapter 5

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"Ahhhh!" You sat up, waking up to the dream-

Or was it a dream?

That you had. Your heart was beating fast and tears was streaming down from your eyes.

I was already there, why did i came back? and why was Wendy not doing anything?

You looked around the room and saw that you were in the hotel room that you share with your girlfriend. You felt an arm wrapped around your waist, you looked at your side and saw that it was Jennie, sleeping peacefully. You breathe out, trying not to cry loud but it all went out when you saw her. You immediately hugged her, burying your face into her neck and this managed to wake her up.

"Hey its okay, its okay, i'm here." You heard her voice, husky cause of just being woken up, that managed to calm you down a bit. Her arms wrapped around you tightly, rubbing your back.

"It will be alright, i'm here to protect you." She made you pull away from her neck and she wiped your tears. She gave you a gentle kiss on the lips and you went back to your position.

"No one will hurt you anymore."

Why? Why am i back?


Because of the incident that happend, YG has ordered the staff to be always around the girls at all time and has requested to have more bodyguards.

Because of the live that ended, fans has called the police immidiately after it happened. They have requested to find the man that was following you and be arrested. They used the video as an evidence and the search was on.

The person that pulled you that night was actually Rosè and you felt relived that it was her and not the man. They said that they were watching everything while going home and immidiately went there to save you. Rosè pulled you to the side secretly but because of what's happening, you thought it was the man and kept on resisting but calmed down when you heard her voice. She pulled you into her arms while you cried. Lisa, with your managers and staffs tried to catch the man but failed because he already ran away. While Jisoo and Jennie went to the police to also report what happend. You passed out in Rosè's arms.

A few days later, some fans has discovered that the man was actually one of the anti that wanted you dead and took that chance to follow you. Fans has exposed his identity to the police and the public to help find him and a little bit later, they have announced that they have captured the guy and has been put to jail.

YG has found out about the group and has decided to file lawsuit againts them, together with ones saying hate comments about you and the other blackpink members. You five then announced that you were fine and explained what happend that night and not be worried because it was Rosè who pulled you. Blinks were relived and so were you guys.


After the Coachella performance, the next was the concert at Los Angeles. You were still a little bit nervous but got used to it because of the coachella performance. Everything went well, everyone cried, including you, because the lovely maknae of BLACKPINK is back and is well. This all happend during the performance of "Stay", where all of the members sang the chorus to you and you can't help but to cry. All through out the song, Jennie was beside you and kept on singing the line "Stay with me" to you. She hugged you at the end of the song and even kissed you infront of the fans that made them erupt into cheers.

Blinks also prepared a little event for you, where they where holding a banner that says "WE WILL ALWAYS PROTECT YOU" and again, this made you cry. You forgot about you going back to your world for a while and even considering to not even go back even if you'll somehow found out how to.

You want to go back to your family, friends and Wendy but you also don't want to leave the life you have here. The life that you have ever wanted, they are also making it super hard for you on what to choose, specially Jennie.

I-I think i have made my decision.

"Hey baby." You heard Jennie and felt her arms wrapping around you from behind, kissing the back of your head.

"Hey Jennie."

"You okay? You're really quiet tonight." You sighed and turned around to hug her also.

I love hugs now because of you.

"I'm okay, just happy to see that i'm still loved by people after being gone for a long time."

"We love you Y/N, i love you and please always remember that."

"I know Jennie and i love you too, i'll never ever leave you."

She laughed and kissed you gently that turned into a passionate one and that also lead to somewhere but i ain't gonna write about that cause i suck at writing those kind of things so leave it up to your imagination.

[ At that time, I haven't really practiced writing smut, but I do have a horrible draft for it that just made me shy and embarrassed, but nope, I ain't gonna give you that. Hehe ]

You breathe out after releasing maybe the third time that night. You looked at your side and saw Jennie looking at you with a gentle but smug smile.


You realized what happend and blushed. Jennie pulled you into her arms and you hide your face at her neck. Jennie laughing.

I can't believe that- oh my gosh, me and good tho.

Your phone vibrated and saw a message from Lisa.

"Was i too loud?"

"What do you mean?"

You showed her Lisa's text.

Manhoeban ♡ : are ya'll done??? cause i want to sleep. gosh y/n, is jennie unnie really that good? i'm gonna kill both of you tomorrow for ruining my beauty sleep.

"I mean, you were pretty loud."

"Its because of you!"

"Are you saying that i'm good in bed?"

"Shut up."

"What? You're always like this when we do it, just admit it babe."

"Lets just go to sleep unnie."

She laughed and hugged you tight. A smile on her face because of what happend. You also fell asleep but still shy about what happend.


If I wrote this story at this time, I believe they'll be smut since I am a little bit confident about my writing now compared to then. I was a shy and beginner writer.

If I showed what I'm writing now to my past self, she'll be surprised at how much we've had improved.

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