Special Chapter - 2

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Another snippet of my planned drama back then.

The news of you being in a subunit with Chaeyoung spread like fire. The very day YG released the teaser, blinks already thought it was going to be the two of you and they were right. Chaeyoung was happy of course, cause its been a while since she had a schedule of her own and also maybe because you'll be with her 24/7 for the rest of the month. You were happy but nervous cause this will be the first subunit of Blackpink and you don't want to mess it up. Everyone was excited, even Jisoo and Lisa but except for one.

"Why Chaeyoung and not me?" Jennie asked you as you were preparing for your practice, you and Chaeyoung would always go to practice at the same time but the older girl went ahead first cause YG wants to talk to her. You turn around and look at your girlfriend with a confused look.

"What do you mean?" You asked, turning around again to look at the mirror. Jennie was always supportive ever since day one of the preparation, this was the first time she ever had a comment like that.

Does Jennie really support this?

She sighed, shaking her head and layed down on your bed. Jennie and Chaeyoung still hasn't told you about what happend last time, they talked about keeping it a secret from you. Jisoo and Lisa knows too cause they are not oblivious. You looked at Jennie again, ever since her fight with Chaeyoung, Blackpink was not the same anymore. Everyone, except you, kinda grew a little distant from each other, specially Chaeyoung and Jennie.

Is this because of me? But Jennie told me to not worry about it.

You phone buzzed and saw a text from your manager saying that she was already outside. You took your bag and gave a Jennie a kiss on the lips and went outside after saying your i love you's

"I love you, unnie."

"I love you too, baby."


"Jennie, that's too much." Jisoo said, putting a piece of chicken in her mouth. Lisa, who was beside her, nodded her head in agreement as she was chewing. Jennie sighed and placed her drumstick down. The remaining girls decided to eat some chicken delivery while the other 2 was practicing for their debut.

"But Chaeyoung might-"

"Chaeyoung wont do that." Jennie didn't get to finish her sentence cause Lisa cut her off. The younger girl glaring at her, how dare she talk about her bestfriend like that?

"How are you so sure?"

"Did you forget that i'm the closest to her? I know her more than you."

"Really? Maybe because you have a little crush on Rosie."

"I do not have a crush on her!"

"You two, stop!"

The younger ones stopped shouting but still glaring at each other. Jisoo sighed, massaging her temple.

"Look Jennie, your plan of sabotaging their debut is too much and really childish. Can't you just support your girlfriend and bestfriend?"

"Chaeyoung is not my bestfriend anymore-"

"Shut it. I'm still not done talking."

Jennie looked down and Lisa listened to Jisoo, this was the first time they ever saw the older girl this angry.

"Lisa here doesn't have any crush on Chaeyoung, like what she said, i know Lisa more than you, Jennie. She just really protective of Chaeyoung, like we all planned cause Chaeyoung is really sensitive and you're going to forget about that just because she's inlove with your girlfriend. I understand why you're mad but we already talked to her, she wont make any move. Don't you trust your girlfriend?"

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