Ending #2

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This is the ending where you woke up in the real world.

Everything was alright, everything was amazing. You have 3 bestfriends and 1 amazing girlfriend and your dream has came true in this world but there is still that feeling of wanting to go back. You miss your family and friends.

Specially Wendy.

You layed down on your bed, Jennie was still out for a schedule so Kuma was the one beside you for the mean time. You pat his head, before going to sleep, you coming back was on your mind.


"Y/N! Y/N!" You woke up, feeling someone shaking your shoulders. You grunted, thinking it might just be Jennie waking you up for something.

"Jennie, not tonight please, i'm sleepy."

"I am not Jennie! Wake up now!"

You opened your eyes, recognizing that voice. You sat up, not feeling the tubes attached to you falling out.


"Shh, don't be loud. I'll explain everything to you later but come with me first." You saw Wendy pulling out some things attached to you while panting heavily. She pulled you stand but for some reason, your legs gave up so Wendy has to assist you and you just realized that you were in a laboratory.

You two went out the back door, seeing some armed men that made your eyes go wide, they went inside after you two got out. Two men assisted you to van, Wendy was talking to them while you opened the door cause your legs were going to give up any second. You shouted when you saw who's inside.

"Uh Wendy?"

"Yes Y/N?"

"I think this is the wrong van."

"What do you mean? Just get in already!"

You were not sure if you were going to go inside but an arm from inside pulled you, Wendy got inside after and the van drove off.

You looked at the person beside you and it was-


She looked at you, softly smiling at you. You blused a bit, knowing that this is already the real Jennie and not Jennie, your girlfriend. You looked behind you and saw the other members of BLACKPINK there, you tapped Wendy's shoulder, who were beside you.

"What happend and...why is BLACKPINK with us?"

"Just take a rest, Y/N. I'll explain everything to you tomorrow."

You sighed, unconciously grabbing Jennie's hand and the older girl just let you. You let go of it after you realized what you did.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I think got used to-"

You stopped when Jennie held your hand again, you looked at her and saw a tiny bit red on her cheeks.

"I-Its fine, don't worry."

The trip was filled with saying hello and introducing yourself to the other girls but......they know you already?


Wendy explain everything, what happend and why it was her fault. It took months for you to forgive her but eventually, you did cause she was family and the girl you fell in love with back then. You learned that the goverment was going to stop the experiment but was only trying to find the right time, when BLACKPINK and YG decided to help, the rescue was a success. The goverment has arrested the people involved in the experiment and made Wendy's father to pay you. You and Wendy were now living together with your assigned body guards provided by the goverment.

Everything was fine now, you still miss your life at that unviverse but...

"Hey, your girlfriend is here."

You stood up from the sofa, seeing your girlfriend closing the door.

"Jennieeeeee!" Your girlfriend didn't get to reply cause you were already hugging her tight. She laughed, kissing your forehead.

"Hey, were here too!" You looked behind Jennie and saw Lisa, Rosè and Jisoo. You greeted them by hugging them, lauging at Lisa who was still pouting.

You might not be a idol here but you do have your girlfriend and your three other bestfriends with your childhood bestfriend.

This is much, much better.

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