Special Chapter - 1

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What if Chaeyoung was in love with you?

You keep on running and running with your eyes closed, phone clutched to your chest as you pant and let the tears fell from your eyes. You scream, letting go of your phone when you felt someone grabbed you and pulled you but relaxed when you noticed who it was.

"Shh, relax baby, its fine." You heard a melodic voice that calmed you down and because of being tired from running, you collapse and let the arms of the angel support you.

"Oh no, she fainted!" She shouted while carefully wrapping her arms around your waist, seeing one of your manager going closer to you two. Your manager took you from her arms, carefully lifting you up bridal style.

Lisa, together with the staff came back and told them that man managed to get away but already contacted the police.

"I think we should go to the police station to fetch Jennie and Jisoo, you two coming?" Your manager said after placing you back into your room that you shared with Jennie. Lisa nodded while the other shook her head.

"I'll stay and look after Y/N while you guys fetch them." Lisa nodded at her and gave her a hug before going.

"Be careful!"

"Thanks Chaeyoung and we will!"


Chaeyoung sat beside you, looking at your unconcious body.

She looks so peaceful! I can't believe someone would try and hurt you, love......no wait! She's Jennie's girlfriend! Not yours, Park Chaeyoung!

She sighed, carefully cupping your cheeks, she smiled softly when you lean into it. She made sure you were still asleep before placing a soft kiss at your forehead.

This is so bad, Chaeyoung but what can i do? I love her.

She immidiately pulled away when she heard a knock on the door, she stood up, opening the door to see her members. Jennie said hi and dashed to your side, hugging you gently. Chaeyoung smiled bitterly at the sight.

She's not yours, remember that.


You and Chaeyoung were at the mall, just casually waking around and shopping. You invited your girlfriend but she said that she was lazy and Jisoo and Lisa were already outside together, so you invited Chaeyoung instead and she gladly accepted the offer. Jennie gave you a kiss and told Chaeyoung to keep you safe, the younger girl just nodded.

There were many staffs and bodygurads close to you two but they didn't invade your personal space. Chaeyoung blushed a little when you told her that this was a date and even got redder when you interwined your fingers together.

"Are you okay, unnie?" You asked, seeing the older girl being shy eventhough you have known each other for so long. She shook her head, fanning herself.

"Yeah i'm good! Its just that its so hot a while ago." Chaeyoung laughed and you agreed with her cause it was indeed hot outside. She took out her hanky, wiping the sweat that was forming in your forehead, you smiled at her, giving her a side hug.

It should be like this everyday. You and me together.


You woke up because someone was shaking your shoulders, you groaned, opening your eyes to see Lisa with a scared look. You sat up, asking her what's wrong. She said nothing but pulled you to her and Chaeyoung's shared room.

"Can you please tell me why is my girlfriend your homescreen?" You heard your girlfriend, talking to someone. You were about to show yourself but stopped when Lisa pulled you and when you heard another voice.

"What are you saying, unnie? My homescreen is Joohwangie."

Chaeyoung unnie? Are they fighting?

"Don't lie to me, Park. I always see you looking at my girlfriend with heart eyes." You looked at Lisa, who shaked her head at you cause she too was confused. You saw Jisoo coming out from her room, looking very pissed because of the commotion.

Chaeyoung grew quiet after hearing that from Jennie, the older girl scoffed, taking the younger girl's phone and tada, you were indeed her homescreen.

"I can't believe you Chaeyoung. Making a move to MY GIRLFRIEND and even acting like you two are together? Pathetic." Jennie threw Chaeyoung's phone into the bed, making it bounce and almost falling off the bed.

"Can you blame me Jennie? When we first saw her, i told you that i have a crush on her and what did you do? YOU FLIRTED WITH HER AND MADE HER FALL INLOVE WITH YOU!" Chaeyoung shouted, you three watching at the door were surprised to see the usual cheery and soft girl get angry for the first time in a while. Your head was spinning because of the happenings, you clearly didn't know what happend back then cause this wasn't your universe.

"I did nothing, she fell inlove with me. Just admit it, she never looked at you like that. So stop your imagination and stay away from MY GIRLFRIEND." Jennie shouted, you shivered seeing your girlfriend angry, it was not good to make Jennie mad.

Chaeyoung sobbed while looking at the floor. You being stupid and didn't know what you were doing, showed yourself and the other two did. Jennie looked at the three of you, her face looking shocked.

"Why are you here?" Jennie asked you three but it was most directly at you. Jisoo and Lisa took care of Chaeyoung, making the blonde haired girl to sit on the bed. You only looked at them, your heart breaking, hearing and seeing Chaeyoung cry.

"What happend?" You finally talked and asked Jennie. Your girlfriend sighed, taking your hands in hers.

"Me and Chaeyoung fought but don't worry about it, love." Jennie smiled at you, gently kissing your forehead. You slowly nodded and let your girlfriend to pull you outside of the room but not without looking at Chaeyoung and you saw her looking at you two with hurt and haterd in her eyes.

Is this all my fault?


Chaeyoung looked at the screen, watching the scene that happend. It was already late at night and the only one awake was her, Wendy's father and two other assistant to check up on your body. Luckily, the cameras were all off so no one saw what happend, except for her and the other three but the others were clearly not interested.

It was only her and Jennie visited today, Jisoo and Lisa had some other schedules but will arrive later at morning. She looked at the sleeping Jennie beside her then at your unconcious body. She looked at the screen again, seeing you and Jennie cuddling on the bed with the older girl making up some excuses for you to forget about what happend.

If i can't have you on that universe then i'll make you mine here. Not Jennie's, not anyone's but me. You'll be mine, Y/N. Even if it means fighting with Jennie, i will.


What I originally planned for this story back then is lots of drama including all of the members, but I was only starting back then and took if off, cause of not being confident yet.

If you noticed, there were some moments with you and the other members, like with Jisoo before the Coachella stage or the one with Lisa at the practice room. I was crappy at making drama back then, that's why I removed it.

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