Ending # 3

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The ending where BLACKPINK from the different universe, switched out to the real world.

It was a Sunny day and 4 girls just woke up to start their day filled with many schedules......wait, four?

"Y/N? Where the hell are you?" Jennie went out of her room, surprised to not see her girlfriend beside her. She looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary....well, except for her girlfriend's room completely missing.

She went beside Lisa, who was standing infront of a wall where your room should be placed. She too was also confused.

"Where is it?" Jennie asked, joining Lisa that was staring at the wall, both of them were so confused now.

"I don't know, it looked like it wasn't there before." Lisa replied, finally facing Jennie to see the older girl already shaking from nervousness.

"Unnie, hey, calm down, okay? Let's wake up Jisoo unnie and Chaeyoung."


"What do you think happend?" Jisoo asked, looking at the framed picture of them, just four of them. You were not in the photo but they clearly remember that you were there during that photoshoot.

"It looked like she never existed." Rosè placed her phone down, already tired of repeatedly searching your name on the internet, cause nothing seems to be showing something about you.

"Where is she? I hope she's okay." Jennie weakly said, already tired from crying and sobbing. They have already ask their managers but they only looked at girls like were weirdos, asking who tf Y/N is. They even got more confused when Jennie told them that this Y/N girl was her girlfriend, cause they were not allowed to date.

"We should get up, we still have a fansign to do." Jisoo, being the only one that still has some energy, stood up and tried her best to get the girls to get ready.


Being on the fansign and seeing all the blinks carrying banners and screaming only their names made the girls even more scared, specially Jennie.

Even if all of them were scared and confused, they still managed to get on with the fansign.

As the fans keep on coming, Lisa, who was first, saw a girl with a cap looking very strange, she also thought that is looked like Y/N. When it was the strange girl's turn to Lisa, it looked up and Lisa's eyes went wide.

It was you.

You secretly told her to be quiet and sneakily gave her a piece of memo paper, written on it was:

Act like you don't know me, act like i'm a regular blink. I'll explain everything later, just follow my lead.

Lisa, despite being confused and relieved that you were okay, nodded and acted like you were a fan. Jisoo, who was beside her saw you and the memo but you still gave her a paper with the same writings on it and same to Rosè. It was now Jennie's turn. She was surprised to see you but she saw what you gave Rosè and acted too but she can't help but to shake and have tears in her eyes, knowing that you were okay. You too were shaking but gave her a memo also but with a different writing.

Hello love, i missed you so much. I'll explain everything to you later but please do me a favor. Please act like i'm being suspicious and tell it to your manager, its the only way i can talk to you guys. I love you.

She smiled, seeing the last sentence, she mouthed you "i love you too." before doing what you just told her. Her manager and a security guard escorted you to the backstage, leaving the other girls and blinks curious but thankfully, no fan paid attention to it.


Jennie thank her manager for understanding that you five needs to have a private and proper conversation but he told them that he'll be just at the door.

When they open the door, Jennie immidiately wrapped her arms around you, sobbing and telling you that she was happy that you were fine. You too were crying, burying your face into her chest. The other girls joined the hug and you five were silently crying. After 5 mins, you five broke the hug and sat on the couch that was in the room. Jennie was still clinging on to you tho.

"So, what happend?" Rosè asked, you cleared you throat, ready to tell them what happend.

"Remember that time i told you that i had a dream where i was at a different universe on where BLACKPINK were just 4?" They all nodded, still not knowing where this is going.

"It's not a dream anymore, it has became a reality." You looked at their faces to see them being shocked and surprised.

"So, are you saying that we're in a different universe?" Jisoo asked and you nodded, not telling them that this was the real world and was your own world cause that will clearly cause some things and decided to tell them another time.

"How did that happen?" Lisa asked, you shook your head, telling them that you had no idea.

"What will happen to you?" Jennie asked you while looking at you, you sighed also not knowing what to do. Your girlfriend stood up and you all looked at her.

"We will not leave you in a different universe all alone, baby. You have to be with us, even if you're not a member of BLACKPINK in this universe, you will always be in our hearts." You all looked at her, thinking that she's crazy but also thinking that she's right.

"How will we do that?" You asked, clearly interested on her plan.

"I'm Jennie Kim, i can handle this." She pulled you up and kissed your lips, recieving groans from the other three.


Jennie did it, Jennie managed to make you live with them and be with them always with no problem. Blinks now knows about you and is still wondering if you're a hidden member cause they always see you with the girls. They would just say that you're someone important to them.

It was a normal day, you were at the dorm, waiting for the girls to come back from their schedule. You got sad seeing that your room was not there but, it did mean that you'll be sleeping in Jennie's bedroom.

You looked at the door when you heard it open and saw the girls going inside with a huge smile on their faces.

"Why do you all seem so happy?" You asked after Jennie gave you a kiss.

"Well we have some good news for you!" Lisa shouted with Rosè and Jisoo squealing on the background.

"What is it?" You smiled, seeing the girls so happy and also feeling nervous for the news.

"You're officially a BLACKPINK member in this universe." Jennie told you and you stopped, mouth falling open that your girlfriend has to close it.

"What?!? Are you serious?!?" You stood up from the chair, taking a look at the letter from the CEO, it said that you five will have a meeting with the CEO anytime soon and also seeing a little note saying that you now have permission to make yours and Jennie's relationship public. You hugged all of them, happy to be as a member of the group again in public.

Jennie grabbed your face and gently kisses you with her eyes closed and you did the same, you opened them when you heard a camera sound and saw Jisoo smiling at you guys. Jennie took her phone from Jisoo and posted the picture with the caption "i love you, always and forever." on her instagram.

You all hugged each other, knowing that BLACKPINK's journey in this world will now include you and also your relationship with Jennie has been public.

This is too good to be true.


I just realized that even before then, I like making alternative endings. What do you guys think?

Thank you for reading!

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