The date

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I open the door and Alex turns around to face me holding flowers. I smile then say

"You didn't have to"

"Is everything okay?" he asks handing me the flowers.

"Yeah, let's go" I say hurriedly and he just nods his head

We get into the car and we begin to talk.

"Well you look good tonight" He says

"Why, thank you. You don't look bad" I reply

"Oh a compliment from the heiress" he says (pronounced eris to be a play on her name)

"You got jokes huh?" I chuckle

"You haven't seen anything yet my lady. Now then any guesses about where I'm taking you tonight?" He asks

"None at all. Give me a hint." I say he smiles then says

"Hmm mm. Let me think"

"Are you winging this date?" I ask.

"No I totally have a plan" he says and I doubt him

"No you don't" I laugh

"I do. I figured you're above all the dinner and fake fun of normal first dates so, I planned a night of entertainment, starting with laser tag." He says nervously and I laugh

"I am not dressed for laser tag"

"I meant classy dinner and a movie then" he says

"So you are winging it" I laugh. This is a first.

"Maybe" he says to remain suspicious

"Isn't it more fun that way though" he adds

"I don't know. I thought you'd have a plan" I say

"I do and it's already in motion" he says

"What's the plan?" I ask

"It was going to be a surprise but we are going to eat at my favorite restaurant tonight." He says

"Mmmh sounds nice. What's your favorite restaurant called?" I ask

"You may not have heard of Jim's stake out" he says

"No way! James and I go there all the time. It's one of my favorites too. It's like 15 minutes away from my house" I say excited and my thoughts drift back to James and how we left things

'Erin don't leave things like this' echoes in my head.

"What, for real? He never brought it up" he says taking me out of my thoughts

"Oh my goodness, he told you didn't he? I almost fell for that" I say feeling dumb

"Told me what?" he asks suspiciously

"That Jim's is one of my favorite places to eat" I say

"Well go back to falling for it. He didn't tell me" he says and I believe him because let's be honest James wants me to hate this date. Why would he help Alex?

"Fine" I say

"I was so looking forward to your reaction to the place when you saw it." He says and we chuckle.

"Well that's ruined" I say

"Why do I feel like that's going to be a trend with you?" he asks jokingly

"I can't say" I say

"Trying to remain mysterious now are we?" he asks

"No not at all" I answer

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