"You are such a scared little rat"

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She shakes in my arms and I hold her tighter. Leading her to sit on her bed I hold her tighter as her cries begin to muffle. It breaks my heart to see her like this. It makes me feel so helpless and that disgusts me.

She pulls away a little as she wipes her tears. I look at her, scouting for the right words to say. She beats me to it

"James are you crying?"

"No I'm not" I respond

"Oh okay, so I guess your eyes are leaking" she says and I chuckle.

I hadn't realised the effect she had on me. She made me cry with her although I wasn't aware of the issue at hand. I denied crying because it came so naturally when I saw her I hadn't noticed.

I raised my hand to wipe her tears and as if on cue her small hand raised to my face and wiped my tears. I sniffed a little and she chuckled. As ugly as this moment was I found the beauty of it. The beauty was her. With her still in my arms I leaned into the bed.

Her small frame was the perfect one for mine. Silence filled into the room but it wasn't awkward it was...peaceful as if there was nothing that could hinder this moment. It was bitter sweet really. Unaware how or when we feel asleep cuddling.


I woke up in James arms. I really couldn't be anywhere else. Yawning I snuggle further into him. He wraps his arms tighter around me I release a soft whimper. He chuckles.

"Comfortable?" He asks

"Yeah" I smile

We stay in this position for a while until my tummy grumbles. He turns to me and says

"Let's go get food"

I get off him and he says

"I never said get off"

"How are you supposed to get up then?" I ask

"Come back here I will show you" he says

I snuggle into him again and he places his arms around me, wrapping my legs around him as he stands he places me in front of him.


"You know we can't go out of my room like this" I say

"Why do you always have to be such a buzz kill? Mom and dad have gone to work its just Grace." He says

"She could still see us" I giggle

"You are such a scared little rat" he teases

"Sneaking around is fun. The thrive of getting caught is exciting." He adds

"Fine" I roll my eyes

He opens the door and checks both side before walking out. That was useless to be honest because he was carrying me in the front! The coast was clear so he sped down the stairs, grabbed the keys of the counter and we were out the door. I couldn't help but giggle and scream softly.

"Shhh Rin, you'll get us caught we almost out of the wind" he says

I giggle again!

He opens the passenger door and I get in then he runs to the other side then gets in. Hurriedly he starts the car and speeds out of the driveway. I am still laughing. We basically didn't do anything wrong but I felt so bad. He made the tinniest things so fun.

He drove into a MacDonald's drive through.

"Welcome to McDonald's how can I help you?"

"Hey, can we get a 10 piece chicken Mcnugget with a large cola and...."

He looks at me

"A big Mac with fries, a strawberry banana smoothie and a mcflurry with Oreo cookies" I say he smiles and repeats the order.

"For a cheerleader you eat a lot" he says

"Fuck you. How do you know about that?" I ask

"Instagram" he says

"Makes sense" I respond

We drive to go collect our food. James pay and we start driving again.

"When do you start training?" He asks

"Mom said I am coming to your school, so I don't have training I'll just try out" I shrug

"If you want I could talk to the sports director and hear if he can let you join training, then you won't have to really try out" he suggests

I really don't have anything to do. I wouldn't mind.

"Sure" I shrug as I dig into my meal as he drives

"Great then when I go for practice in Saturdays you can go for cheer practice" he smiles.

We've been driving for a while and I notice this isn't the way home. It was taking all of me not to be inquisitive, I didn't want to kill the surprise. We are in the highway and after a while he takes a hard left into a dust road. Vegetation fills my nostrils. I watch the trees pass by as we drive deeper into what seemed to be a...forest?

A cabin mansion comes into view and my jaw drops. The mansion seemed to be 2 storeys. It had a barred steel gate, build pavement just like the one at home and the landscape was outstanding. Once at the gate it automatically opened and we drove in. James parked the car and he carried his food and I followed suit.

"Wow" I said

"Well it is a hidden paradise" he grins

I shove him playfully as we walk into the house. It's gorgeous. It has the same structure as the we live in but this house lacks colour. Everything is the colour of polished wood. I guess the house matches its surroundings.

James goes up the stairs and I follow. He opens a door a reveals a room that was a duplicate of his room at home. Dark colours, posters, a guitar and paintings. Wait a guitar? He sits on the bed and I follow suit.

"What is this? Where is this?"

"Inquisitive you are" he chuckles

"This is the one of the cabins we own. I haven't been here in a while. Almost miss it" he explains

"Why?" I ask

"The whole mom and little sister thing happened here so coming here has always been a sour taste in mom and dad's mouth. But I think this is where I became me. I think our parents stopped coming because this is the place they lost both their kids" he says

Hey guys tell me what you think.
You know the motto:

Love, Olly

The song is just to keep you interested. I really like it and hope you will like it too

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