"I don't care"

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I woke up extremely nervous today. Why did I do that? Something has to be wrong with me because kissing my brother is abnormal. What if he tells mom and dad?  I am screwed. The consequences of my actions should have dawned on me before I did that. I really should have thought this through.

I hurry downstairs for breakfast and I notice mom and dad aren't there. Quickly grabbing some cereal, I walk to sit by the pool taking in the beautiful view. Where is everyone? I am brought out of my thoughts by James emerging from the water.

"Good morning Orp" he says

"You just can't be polite, can you?" I say

"Not even in your dreams." he states jokingly.

 I scoff and he adds

"Plus it suits you and its cute" 

"Dick" I mummer as I roll my eyes

"So what are you up to today?" He asks cheerily

"Why do you care?" I ask irritated

"I don't. I'm just making conversation" he states

"Well don't." I spit

"You're in a great mood" he mocks.

"And you're not" I state crudely

He ignores me and starts swimming. His actions towards me are suspicious and my sudden rude demeanor is only going to lay my cards right in front of him. 

How do I feel about last night?

 Maybe it's a good thing that I don't know how I feel. I'm definitely not going to talk about last and I hope he won't bring it up as well. We can just forget about it.

"What time did you sleep last night?" He asks

"Again with the questions" I say annoyed as he brings me out of my thoughts.

"Answer me" he demands softly

"Around 3...why?" I ask disinterested

"I didn't sleep at all" he deadpans

"Okay" I say not a slightest care in the world.

Yes James is attractive but he carries to much unknown baggage and I don't know if I can deal with. Why am I even thinking about this?

"Oh why didn't you sleep James...well Erin maybe its because I couldn't get the feeling of your tender lips on mine out of my head" he says once more bringing me out of my thoughts.

I would have laughed but I noticed how serious he was. He couldn't sleep because he was thinking about me?  Oh shit he means it I realize as his demeanor seems uncomfortable.

"Really?" I inquire

"Yes Erin and its enraging, of all the things that could have kept me up MY mind chose you." he said with mockery in his eyes.

"Well shit" I say as I stand up.

Here I was thinking he...well hoping really that he wouldn't bring it and he did. What the fuck does he mean thinking about me? As far as I'm concerned he doesn't care about me and he is extremely pissed off that I'm here. I couldn't really think of anything to say to him. I knew there was a chance he'd want to talk about it but I just hoped he wouldn't.

I walk into the house and I hear him ascending from the water, following behind.

"That's all?" He asks with a disappointed tone

"What do you want me to say? You are my brother-"

"Step brother." He corrects me

"Yeah, step brother. It's already awkward that we kissed. You and I both know that anything like that can't happen agai–"

"Save it Erin. I don't want to hear it." He interrupts me.

"Anyway, mom and dad are out for a few days so we are here by ourselves. I'm throwing a party tonight, find somewhere to go you are not invited" he spits

"What? I live here!" I protest

"I really don't care. You could spend the night in a ditch and I wouldn't give a fuck" he says coldly and walks away.

Wow. The immediate change of character is astronomical. Wasn't he just saying how he couldn't sleep thinking about me? Now he's kicking me out? I am confusion not confused. If confusion was a person it would be me right now. Now would be a good time to hang with my friends. Its been a while we do talk but not as much as we used to. I decide to call my best friend Chelsea.

"Hey Chels"

"Hey E, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you had any plans tonight, wanted to hang" I say shyly

"Yeah I am going to a party with Chris, Evan and Ivan. You can tag alone though I'm sure they would be happy to see you" she says

"Yeah cool. I will text you my address" I tell her

"Cool" she says and hangs up.

Around 6 I text her my address and she texts back

*That's where the party is*

Oh great. Now I'm stuck here with nowhere to go. Chelsea hasn't asked me anything about my life after I told her they passed. I'm guessing she assumes I'm staying with relatives. She was never one to pry.

*Cool. See you soon then*


The teenagers start arriving and I can't wait to see my friends. I don't dress up at all. I just wear uggs, jeans and a white hoodie. I seriously couldn't be bothered. Chelsea texts that she's here and I go to meet my friends.

They are so excited to see me it's unbelievable. I hang with them for a few hours having a blast. Have way through the party, I decide to go get water. I have drunk enough tonight, I don't want to get drunk. I get to the kitchen, open the fridge and grab a water. Closing the fridge and I notice Taylor right in my face.

"Jesus you scared me...Hey Taylor" I say

"Hey Erin, what to dance?" He ask

He ricks alcohol. I drink but not to his extent feeling uncomfortable by his state I decline

"No. Maybe another day" I say

"Oh come on. Just one dance" he says then grabs my hand

"Look Taylor, let's both be adults here. Don't do anything stupid, let me go" I instruct

"Not until I get my dance" he starts dragging me to the dance floor.

"I said no." I say as I perform a self-defense move I learnt online

Thud...Everyone turns to Taylor on the floor and the DJ stops the music.

"I can see why James said you are troubled" he says as he stands

And out of nowhere, I mean nowhere James throws a punch at Taylor. It takes me a moment to register what's happening, then I realise James is beating up Taylor. JAMES IS BEATING UP TAYLOR! Shit.

I yell for James to stop but he doesn't. I try grab him of James but he elbows me to the ground. Almost immediately he realises what he did and comes to my side.

"I'm so sorry" he apologizes

I stand and go grab and an icepack from the fridge.

"Erin I sai–"

"Shut it. I heard you" I spit

He grabs my hand and I spit "Don't touch me"

"Whatever." He says and walks away and I go to my room.

After an hour he shuts down the party and I say Goodbye to my friends. So much for a party, I get harmed by my "brother".

Hey guys tell me what you think.
You know the motto:

Love, Olly

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