"Where are you?"

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Its been a few days since James fingered Natalie in front of me. We only talk when mom and dad are in sight so they don't think something's up. We stopped hanging out a while back. To be honest both of us don't even want to be in the same proximity as the other.

Today James has basketball practice and mom is making me go with him again...Great.

The drive to the court is silent until my phone rings

"Hey what's up?"

"Hey are you busy? Shawn asks

"No not at all, what's up?" I ask

"I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie...as friends" he hesitants

"Yeah sure...what time?" I ask

Shawn and I aren't the best of friends but right now I will do everything I can to get away from James!

"How about now?" I can hear the smirk in his voice

"Okay cool...texting you the address now" I respond

"Bye" he says then I hang up

"Who was that?" James asks

"No one" I roll my eyes

"Whatever" he retorts

I text Shawn the address and I'm amazed that he gets there before us. Getting out of James's car I walk straight to Shawn's, I don't even bother to say goodbye.

"Erin!" James shouts furious

"Don't wait for me" I say sweetly as I get to Shawn's car.

I hug him

"Hey" I say

"Hey tortoise" he answers

"Are you still going to call me that?" I laugh

"Yeah. You knew where we were going to meet first but I still beat you here, just like always" he laughs

"Fine" I roll my eyes smiling

Driving to the theater we do some catching up. Its been a while since I've talked to a boy who isn't James. We get to the cinema and Shawn picks a movie for us to watch. I buy the snacks then we walk into the theatre.

Halfway through the movie my phone vibrates I leave to answer it.


"Erin, where are you?" James asks

"Out with a friend, why do you care?" I ask annoyed

"Because you're supposed to be here watching me practice but you are out there with him" he spits

Is he jealous?

"What does it matter? Last time I was there I didn't even watch you practice what's the difference of me being there or not?" I say uninterested

"I'm sure Natalie can cheer you on" I add irritated

He doesn't answer then he hangs up how rude! I walk back into the theatre.

"Everything okay?" Shawn asks with a weary smile

"Yeah, everything is fine" I smile at him

"Good" he responds.

After the movie Shawn takes me home. We drive home in casual conversation, digesting the movie and talking about our favourite parts.

He pulls into my drive way then kills the car engine.

"Well this is me" I say

"Yeah" he responds

"Did you have fun?" He asks

"I-I actually had a good time." I answer honestly

"You wouldn't mind doing this again?" He asks weary

"No I wouldn't" I respond

"Cool" he smiles before he could say anything else we hear




Its not a gun. Its James banging on the bonnet.

Shawn and I both furious get out of the car and he says

"What the fuck man?"

"Get off the premises" he instructs

"You can't tell me what to do. I didn't come here with you" Shawn responds

"Erin get in the house" James commands

"No" I respond

"Erin I said–"

"I heard what you said and I said no. I'm still talking to Shawn and when I'm done then I will come in" I tell him annoyed and irritated

James walks towards Shawn and Shawn walks towards him. Shawn is about 6'2 while James is 6'5, James is more muscular and intimidating while Shawn...well Shawn looks fragile but he actually isn't. He can fight when he has to only if he has to.

"You two stop this" I shout

But no one hears me. Its like I'm invisible. WTF!

"I will beat the shit out of you" James states

"Let's go" Shawn answers

"Shawn, James stop this." I say walking up to both of them.

They simply ignore me again. Desperate I place my hand on James tensed bicep then beg

"James please"

I feel his tense body start to relax and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Shawn just go" I say defeated

He glares at James one more time then looks at me and says

"I will call you later"

"She wont answer" James smirks

Shawn and I both roll our eyes and I'm glad Shawn didn't take offense to what James said. I remove my hand off James's muscle and he grabs my hand. Defeated I then side hug Shawn. He walks to his car and all of sudden James turns and heads for the door.

"Erin!" James shouts

I wave Shawn goodbye and follow behind. If he thinks I'm fine he's wrong. Closing the door behind I say to James who's sitting on the couch

"What the fuck was that?"

"He was trespassing" James casually answers

"He was with me. Why do you always have to cause a scene?" I ask enraged

He just shrugs.


"You are so immature and petty. How dare you do that to my friend? You are a prick. When Natalie's over"

"Stop talking" James commands

"No you need start listening to what I have to say" I protest

"When Natalie is around you do whatever the fuck you and I don't disturb but now just because Shaw-"

"I said stop talking!" He is irritated

"I can't believe you James. I seriously can't." I say then walk to my room.

I don't get how he switches emotions like that. He was angry then calm then angry again in less than 10 minutes. He just sucks the life out of everything!

Hey guys tell me what you think.
You know the motto:

Love, Olly

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