"She's a loser"

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It's been a few days since James and I fought. Good news is we aren't on speaking terms. James has been parading Natalie everywhere in the house and I've been locking myself in my room avoiding both of them. It hurts to see them together. Our parents are coming back today and can not tell you how happy I am.

Going to get a drink from the kitchen I spot Natalie on the couch, I was dreading to see her. Over the past few days she has been 'nice' just rub it in my face that she was more important to James than I was. I'd like to say I don't care but I do.

"Hey Erin" she says with a smirk see evilllllll.

"Hey Natalie" I say unamused

"So I know your little secret" she states

"Good for you" I respond uninterested

"Don't you want to know what it is?" She's puzzled


"Fine. What's the little secret?" I question

"Well that you and James are..."

"What?" I'm panicking did James out us

"Aren't related you were adopted" she says with a smirk

"Okay and?" I say relieved but in a sassy tone.

I look at her waiting for a response but I get non. Stupid bitch did you think you telling me I'm adopted would phase me? I can't believe James told her though. I thought he was the one who wanted to hide this open fact from everyone. He is petty and shady. Dick! She doesn't say anything then I walk back to my room. Laying back on my bed I continue watching orange is the new black. This show is good.


"Kids, we're here" Mom yells from downstairs.

I rush down the stairs and I hear both of them laughing at how happy I am to see them. As soon as I get there I hug them both

"You don't know how much I missed you guys" I say

"We missed you too. Where's James?" Mom asks

"He went out with Natalie" I say her name with dismay

"Oh okay, hopefully they are back for dinner" she says

They? Smh.

"How was it?" I ask

"It was....different" dad answers

We talk about there experience with this particular client and joke. We are having a blast. A few minutes later James walks in with Natalie holding hands. My heart sinks a little.

"Hey mom" he says then hugs her and kisses her hair

"Hey Jamie how are you?" She responds

"Good" he says

"Hey dad" he says as they hug

"How are you son?" he responds

"Good" he says again

"Natalie good to see you" says mom

Oh good they know her.

"Good to see you too Mr and Mrs H" she responds

"Are you staying for dinner?" Dad asks

"No!" James and I both refuse at the same time. First time we have agreed in something.

"Come on you two. There's food for everyone" dad says

"So Natalie join us" he adds

"Sure" she says smirking looking at me

Dad! No!

Dinner is awkward. Just for me. Everyone else is in conversation except me. James is sitting in between Natalie and I. He gives me evil side glares once in a while I give him death stares back.

He kicks me softly under the table then I look at him. He then proceeds to side his hands into Natalie's short skirt. Her breathing hitches as if she was taking a deep breath. My eyes are glued to James' hand as it infiltrates her skirt. I notice her widen her legs meaning she was enjoying this. Nasty! At this point Natalie is a back bencher to the conversation given her current situation talking is difficult I decide to use that to my advantage.

"So Natalie what are your plans after high school?" I ask

"I..uh...mmm....I wa–...want to become a.....lawyer" she breathes out

"Really, so where do you plan on going for college" I ask acting as if I'm unaware of the situation

"Har...Harvard" he struggles to speak. I can see she is struggling to keep her moans silent. James is really going at it now.

"Natalie honey are you okay? You seem flashed and out of breath" mom asks

Mission accomplished

"I...think its the....um...the...sauce. It was a...a little spicy...for me?" She says

Good save.

Underneath the table she grabs James member and squeezes it, he grunts a little. I think this her way of saying she is at her climax.

"We are tired...right honey" mom says yawning

"Yes sweetheart" he agrees

"We better hit the sac. Goodnight kids" mom says as she hugs James and I.

"Its always a pleasure to see you Natalie" she says and she is gone.

After clearing the table and doing the dishes by myself while Natalie and James watched TV, rude I decide to go sleep.

"Goodnight Erin" Natalie giggles

"Goodnight Natalie. Sure hope to see you too" I say sarcastically

After changing into my PJs and brushing my teeth I get into bed. I've had a long day I deserve some sleep. My door opens and I sit up to see James.

"What do you want?" I ask annoyed

"Do you have condoms. Natalie and I's seem to have used all of ours" he says with a smirk

"No I don't" I say sternly and he walks out.

"See I told you she wouldn't have any she's a loser." Natalie says coldly giggling.

A few minutes I hear them moaning and grunting. James didn't actually need condoms he just wanted to make sure that I was still awake to hear them fuck! I find myself crying again. How dare I? How dare I waste my tears on him.

I walk out of my room with a blanket and a pillow. I'm not letting him disturb my sleep. Hey couch you and I are getting real close tonight.

Hey guys tell me what you think.
You know the motto:

Love, Olly

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