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After collecting myself I walk back to my room. Alex looks at me then says

"Hey E, I...um...I got a call from my mom and she needs me to come back home. I forgot about my dad's business dinner, so I have to go."

"It's all good." I respond

"Look, I really had a great night with you and I want to do it again. Please think about it and I will ask you about it the next time I see you. Okay?" he says

"Okay. I will think about it" I respond.

He comes in for a hug and we hug. He kisses my hair, his grip on me lessens, we let go of each other and smiles at me apologetically. I accompany him downstairs where James and Natalie are still cozied on the couch looking into the dark night through the doors, how romantic.

"Hey lovebirds" I hiss

"Hey" Natalie responds

"Nat, Alex is heading home do you need a ride home?" I ask politely.

"I drove her sweetie. Don't worry" she says as she cuddles closer into James.

"You should go Nat. It's getting late." I say irritated by her insistence to stay.

"Just because your little night is over doesn't mean mine has to be over as well" she retorts.

"If your fun didn't happen when I wasn't around, it's not going to happen now. Please leave." I am so annoyed.

"James please tell your sister to leave us alone" she says gripping into him even more.

"No, I think you got this." He says as he kisses her shoulder to show his support and I chuckle.

"Natalie, let's go. You seem to be overstaying your welcome." Alex chips in.

"Shut up lover boy." She reacts

Why is so vicious? I question myself about to laugh at her ridiculousness.

"Lover boy? How old are you? Ten?" I ask. James and Alex laugh.

"Okay you listen her you little bi-"

"Woah, okay, stop right there Natalie, you should leave before she kicks your ass" James pitches in.

"Kicks my ass? Whose side are you on?" Natalie asks James.

"Humanity's. She lives here and if she feels you should leave then you should probably go." he says untangling her arms from his body and walking her to the door.

Alex and I laugh at his little remark.

She kisses James roughly and James kisses her back. His hands moving to grope her ass. Alex and I awkwardly turn away from them and engage in small conversation while James and Natalie finish off. After a while both the invited guests leave. I walk upstairs and James follows behind me.

"Rin, are you coming to my room?"

"What for?" I ask

"Us time" he says

"You had that with Natalie" I retort

"You went out with Alex, I hung out with Natalie. We're even" he says

"We are far from even. I didn't fuck Alex, you probably fucked Nat." I hiss

"You weren't even here, how would you know what I did and I didn't do?" he protests

"Before we even talk about fucking you kissed her in front of me what else could you possibly want?" I question.

He hesitates but doesn't respond.

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