"I am ending us"

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We get home and I get changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. I rush back downstairs to watch my kitchen rules Australia with mom. We are really hoping a certain duo goes home because they are just bitches. Half way through the show James walks in. He looks exhausted and I just want to hug him. He walks over to where mom and I are setting then he kisses mom on the cheek and hugs her. He ignores my existence and walks to his room.

I am tired of this. Why doesn't he just admit that he is wrong? He is dragging this out and it's frustrating. I am going to ignore him as much as he ignores me.


I can see Erin wants me to talk to her, but to do that I have to admit that I did do something with Natalie and I don't want to hurt her. I feel like with her I have one more shot and if I blow it, it's over. She will run to Alex and I will never get her back.

Alex is calm and stable while I am unpredictable and I feel like that trait of mine will cost me her eventually. Not talking to her kills me. I wish she would just burst my door open and tell me that I was wrong and I should apologize then that way I would say it and it would seem as if she made me do it. However, Erin is like me, stubborn as fuck. I am not having a pride issue it's just a guilt thing.

My phone rings and it's a text from Nat telling me about a party.

I am not in the mood to party. I just want to watch whatever boring show Erin's watching with her in my arms. I know she has nightmares when she sleeps alone and I am sure she has had one in the past days that I've not slept with her. How can the cure of her pain cause her pain? I guess I am just a horrible cure. I need advise so I call dad

"Hey Kiddo, are you okay?"

"Yes I am. I am not in any sort of trouble. I just need your advice on something." I tell him and I can hear him sigh in relief.

"What's up?" he asks

"Well this girl..."

"Is it Natalie?" he asks

"No, dad just listen. This girl and I had an argument over something she thinks I did and when she asked me I didn't answer. I just froze because if I told her what really happened she would never forgive so I didn't lie but I didn't tell the truth either. Now she doesn't want to talk to me, what do I do?" I ask

"Did you do what she thinks you did?" he asks

"Yes and no. I halfway did it." I say and dad laughs

"There is no such thing. What did you do?" he asks

"I..." I hesitate

"You know what I don't want to know. What assures you that she would never forgive you?" He asks

"I've hurt her before and feel like I've down it way to many times." I answer

"Women are tricky. This girl of yours is rightfully mad however, if she likes you as much as you like her she will hear you out. She will either ignore you or you guys will argue again." He chuckled.

"Trust me, you want to argue again." He adds

"Thanks dad" I say and he gives a satisfying

"Hmm" then hangs up.

I gather some courage and knock on her door. I hope that she is still downstairs.


No answer.


"I am not in there." She says from behind me, with a plate of fruit in hand and her phone in the other.

"I was hoping we could talk" I say and I can see her lighten up. I guess she had missed me as much as I have missed her.

"Sure, walk in." She says.

She walks in behind me and closes the door with her foot and gestures me to sit on her bed as she set on the bean bag eating her fruit.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asks

"Our argument"

"You mean you ignoring my existence because you know you're wrong." She says

Shish, tough crowd.

"Look Erin, I am sorry..."

"For what?" she asks

"For hurting you..."

"When exactly?"

"Erin, just let me speak for the love of God. I am sorry for getting you into that date with Alex, the argument before your date, the way I behaved with Natal..."

"See right there, that's the problem. Natalie, you use her against me." She says

"It was one time" I defend

"One time? You've got to be kidding me, you fucked her to annoy me multiple times when Shawn and I still hung. You ran to her the moment we argue. She is your leverage against me. She is who you go to every time we fight. You have proved me right way to many times." She says and I can tell she's hurting. I did that, I hurt her.

"I don't mean to hurt you Erin." I say

"No one does but I seem I am the punching bag." She says and I can tell she is holding back tears. I walk up to her and kneel in front of her. She had set down her fruit and phone so I took her hands and put them on my chest.

"Believe me when I say that I never meant to hurt you. I felt hurt so..."

"You hurt me?" she let her walls down and her ocean filled eyes spilled. Her tears raced down her cheeks. She had been holding all this down and now I see it.

"I'm sorry Erin, from the bottom of my hurt. I truly am sorry." I say

I can't keep doing this to her. All I am doing is hurting her, she knows I am but she doesn't let me go. I don't want to be the reason she hates love. She has been through a lot and I don't want to add to her pain. I know what I have to do.

"To show you that I am sorry and that I will never hurt you again, I am ending us." I say.


Hey guys tell me what you think.
Love, Olly.

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