"Who do you belong to?"

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Okay first of all I am...like tearing up right now, like thank you so much guys for the 10.7k reads. I mean that is not to be taken slightly at all because damnnnn. I thank God for all of you and I hope He blesses you all.  Keep reading the story, it motivates me to write. Thank you all you wonderful people. I am so grateful to God and you you all. I love you all so very much. 



Alex and I had a lot of fun. He made me laugh and complimented me. He wasn't judging me and I could tell that he was listening to what I was saying. It was nice to have a conversation with someone without having an argument every five seconds. I got to know Alex. He was a passionate athlete. He read when he wasn't in practice. Alex liked partying, a lot. He liked it more than James. He didn't get into trouble much because he didn't like the drama around getting suspended and all that, it was above him.

After the date he drove me home. When we arrived he opened the car door for me. I said an airy 'thank you'. He walks me to the door then looks me in the eyes and says

"I really had a good time with you Erin"

"I had a good time too Alex. Thanks again for taking me out" I respond genuinely

"It was no problem at all. In fact it was such not problem that I would like to do that again." He says and I smile

"You know you'd have to ask James again" I say and he chuckles.

"He already said yes the first time why would he have a problem with us going out for the second time?"

"I don't know. You know him better, he's your friend." I say and he says

"Well he's your brother" he says ad I shake my head. He caught me. Suddenly the door opens and its Natalie.

"I heard you guys went out but I didn't believe it. I had to see it with my own eyes." She says. Both Alex and I roll our eyes at the sound of her voice. I suddenly realize that if she's here then her and James might have fucked. My mood is immediately spoilt.

"Nat, Erin and I were having a conversation, if you don't mind we would like to get back to it." Alex says. He is so polite.

"Sure, sure." She says as she about to close the door, the door is suddenly swung open and James hugs Natalie from behind. Natalie smiles and cuddles her head into James' neck.

"Hey lovebirds" he says looking directly at me

"Hey bro" says Alex as he gives him a small wave and James just nods.

"Rin, don't you have any manners? Invite your friend in and we could all watch a movie" he says with a devious smile.

"Its late Alex should probably give Natalie a ride home, since he is headed home." I say looking directly at James.

He kisses Natalie's cheek and she giggles. I am getting angry. That is my place Natalie not yours.

"Oh come on Rin. Don't be the parent. If you won't invite him in then I will. Come on in Alex" James says gesturing Alex to come in and Alex does.

Okay James, two can play that game.

I walk in behind Alex. He sits on the couch and I sit next to him. James and Natalie sit on the couch beside us. Natalie's back is on James' chest and he has his arm around her. James glares at me, assessing me. Its as if he wants to find something amiss but he can't find it and that enrages him. I can see his hand around Natalie tighten and I smirk. He kisses Natalie on her exposed shoulder. This is way worse than them fucking. He is being intimate with her and he knows its hurting me.

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