"I care about you"

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"What the fuck Erin?" He says

"What do you mean? You change moods real easily and you think that's normal? You need more help that I do" I state irritated as I walk into my closet

"At least I don't scream in the middle of the night" he retorts still on my bed

"Maybe if you did you would be a decent human being!" I yell from the closet

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks shocked

"Exactly how it was said" I answer sternly as I walk past him to my dresser.

"You and I both know you need help because coming here every night to wake you up from your nightmares is getting annoying Erin. Get help!" He pushes

"If waking me up is such a job then quit!" I respond

"You are unbelievable Erin. I can't deal with you" he is irritated.

"Why do you care?" I am annoyed!

"I don't" he answers

"Then what's the point of this conversation?" I ask

"Whatever Erin" he says and walks to the door.

"I don't get how you can see but choose to be blind at the same time" he says finally and shuts the door.

"Argh!" I scream as I  throw a shoe at the door.

Fuck you James! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you very muchhhh. I am fuming to say the least. I pace around for a while and when I finally calm down I feel hot sour tears fall down my cheeks. How dare he shout at me for not sharing my problems? They are called my for a reason. Argh!

After breaking down I collect myself and walk downstairs. I notice mom and dad on the couch and I decide to sit with them. We engage into normal conversation then James walks down the stairs. He heads for the door without saying a word.

"Jamie honey where are you off to?" Mom asks

"Out" he answers

"And where exactly is 'out'?" Dad asks

"Stop pestering me. I said I'm going out" he retorts

"Young man, you are not going anywhere. Go back upstairs and fix your attitude first" dad commands

"I can't deal with you right now" he says and matches up the stairs.


"If he keeps this up I will lose it one of these fucking days" dad is angry

"Honey calm down" mom says

A few minutes later we hear a car start and rave out of the garage. He snuck out through the window. Dad is pissed to say the least and mom is trying to calm him down. I had never seen dad mad. He was always so happy and gentile. I would have never thought he would cuss at least not in front of me but I was wrong. I guess now I know where James gets his anger. He just stands and walks to the "underground" floor and mom follows and I'm all alone.

A few hours pass and I get a call. Without checking the name I answer.


"I didn't think you would answer" he says

"What do you want?" I ask

"In life or in right now?" He responds

"James are you drunk?" I question fully aware of the answer

"Nope." He saying popping the p.

"Okay whatever. I'm hanging up now" I say

"No Erin don't hang up. Come get me" he asked

I don't respond then he says

"Come get me please. I can't drive"

"You are paying for the uber" I roll my eyes

"Okay see you soon" he hangs up

Dumbass! I don't even know where you are. I check my recent calls and notice he didn't call me with his phone. I dial the number he called with and he picks up

"Are you here? That was fast!"

"Where are you?" I ask

"The police station" he says

"What did you do?" I spit

"DUI" he chuckles

I hang up. Standing from my bed I pick up a dressing gown on my chair and put it over my pink PJs. I hunt for uggs in my closet and when I find them I head downstairs to wait for the uber. I can't believe I'm bailing him out! How does he know my number? Did he memorise it?

I get to the station and walk straight to the reception.

"Hey, I'm here to bail out James Hallow" I say

"The fine is $50" she says

"Okay" I check my pockets and realise I've got a hundred dollar bill

I smile politely and ask

"Do you have change for a 100?"

"Yes" she spits

Thank God. I hand her the money and James is brought out. She gives me his belongings and take them.

"For a second I thought you weren't coming" he joked

"I wasn't" I answered

"Well you are here" he says and I support him to his car.

I put him in the back seat and I hope into the front. I start the car and start driving home.


"Yes James"

"I care about you" he says softly

"No you don't" I answer

"Yes I do" he pouts

He's such a baby when he is drunk.

"Why do you deny it then?" I ask honestly curious

"Its because you don't care about me" he pouts again

"If I didn't care I wouldn't be here" I simply say

I park the car then take him out. With his arm around my shoulder, I try to support his weight. Is it just me or did he get heavier? We stagger into the house. I knew I couldn't carry him I mean support him to his room so I went for the next best thing...the couch.

We crush into it me on top of him. I try to get up but he wraps his hands around me. I struggle for a while. Giving up I say

"James let me go"

"Stay with me at least until I fall asleep" he softly whispers, with his eyes closed.

I hesitate for a moment. Given the situation I am in I don't exactly have a choice so I say

"Okay but only if you loosen your grip"

He immediately does so. After 15 minutes of cuddl– I mean James holding me against my will he finally falls asleep. I cover him with a blanket and walk up the stairs. Feeling sleepy too I fade into dreamland in seconds.

Hey guys tell me what you think.
You know the motto:

Love, Olly

I am so sorry I took time to write this chapter. I have a few things going on in my life that's stressing me just a bit. I am happy that I finally updated though. It had been a while. Anyway I hope you enjoy it

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