"I want you"

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I walk up stairs and crush face first into my bed. I really should have stayed in bed and watched Orange is the new Black. Feeling stupid I change into my PJs and hope to fall asleep real fast.


"What?" I yell


Groaning I drag myself out of bed and open the door

"What?" I say coldly

"I'm sorry Erin" James says with sadness in his eyes

"Its fine" I say sternly and close the door in his face.

That felt good.

The door opens and I turn my head to look at him

"James this is invasion of privacy" I am clearly irritated

"If you really want me to leave then say so" he says with his voice low and seductive

"James Hallow...." I couldn't finish that statement. Something in me didn't want him to leave instead I say

"What do you want?"

He smirks then says "You"

What the fuck is going on? He told me he couldn't sleep thinking about me then chased me out of the house, told me if I spent the night in a ditch he wouldn't care, he elbowed me (not intentionally) then said he didn't care and now here he is telling me he wants me? James has to be mentally unstable. I mean he takes everyone on a mental rollercoaster trying to understand him. He gives me a migraine every time he switches sides.

"What?" I say astonished

"I want you" he simply says as he closes the space between us and stands behind me

"James I already told you that kis–"

He cuts me off by spinning me around and kissing me harshly. I don't kiss him back then he bites my bottom lip and I open my mouth giving him entrance. He keeps insulting my lips with him and I find myself kissing him back. I feel him smirk against my lips then he grabs my ass and I moan. He takes loads of handfuls of my ass and I tag at his hair.

I pull away from him as realisation hits me. Full me once shame on you, full me twice shame on me, full me three times I'm just stupid.

"James we can't" I pull away and place my head on his chest

"Orp, why do you always find a way to ruin the moment" he jokes and I chuckle

"You need to stop calling me that" I protest

"Then what should I call you then" he asks

"My name would be perfect" I slip out of his arms

"I prefer Rin" he says as I sit on my bed and he sits beside me.

"How's your head? I hope I didn't hit you that hard" he says

"It's killing me but I'll survive." I answer

"Where did you learn that move you pulled on Taylor?" He asks as we lay on my bed

"Took an online course on self-defense" I say simply

"That's sexy" he says smirking. I roll my eyes and elbow him in the side of his stomach.

"That hurts" he whines and I laugh.

James is confusing. That's all I can say.

I don't remember how but I feel asleep. I guess I was emotionally and mentally tired. James strains me.


I walk up in his arms and for the first time in a while I slept peacefully. No nightmares! He is still asleep. This has to stop...part of me doesn't want this while the other part wants it. I really can't be James's side piece I mean he already has a span of those.

"What are you thinking about?" He murmurs in his sleep

"James this"

"Has to stop I know. You've been saying it for a while but we still end up doing things." He smirks

He is right. I have told him about 3 times yet here we are. I ran my fingers through his hair then I finally ask

"Why did you punch Taylor?"

"I was protecting my sister" he says with his eyes still closed

"Dude you came out of nowhere with that punch" I chuckle

"Its called the element of surprise" he jokes and I laugh

I try push his arms off me and he holds me tighter.

"James I have to go shower." I chuckle

"Fine I will come with you" he insists

"No." I simply say

"You are no fun." He says as he let's go of me.

After my shower I change and get downstairs. I notice Grace (the housekeeper) has made breakfast. Yes! She is a great cook. Devouring my food I notice James walking into the kitchen from the pool. Until now I hadn't thought about why James swam with skins on.  He hugs me from behind then says

"Good morning"

"Good morning" I say back

"Why do you swim with skins on? Are you insecure?" I say jokingly

"Rin stop. I am not. I just don't like being naked." He answers

"Says the guy who wanted to shower together" I laugh

"Shhh Grace will hear you." He says as he places a kiss on my cheeks

"I didn't have a nightmare" I say giddily

"Good" he answers and walks away

I really don't know how to feel about all this. Should I keep being like this with James or should I stop. I'm indecisive. I really don't know who to tell. Its not easy to find a person to trust, at that moment my phone rings.


"Hey Erin its been a while"

I literally freeze. Shawn? Why is he calling? He is the incarnation of the devil himself. We dated for almost a year and he cheated multiple times but I was too blind to see it until I caught him with Bianca. That's when I realised he had been playing me all along that son of a bitch!

"What do you want?" I say coldly

"I want to talk, can we meet up?" He asks

"You have been avoiding me like the plague for 3 months and now you want to talk?" I am enraged!

"I know I fucked up, that's why we should talk" he says

"I'm sending you an address. You have 10 minutes" I hung up. I don't even know why I'm giving him the light of day!

Hey guys tell me what you think.
You know the motto:

Love, Olly

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