Love bites (Raph x-reader)

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    You flutter your (e/c) eyes open as the comforting echo of soft alternative rock music plays in your subconscious. You blink multiple times, your vision adjusting to your all-too-familiar surroundings. You struggle to wake yourself up properly while a sudden chill settles onto your sleepy frame. You shiver against the change of temperature, your mind still trying to process what you were doing before. You push yourself upright from your kitchen table and roughly wipe at your bloodshot orbs with your knuckles. You blow your (h/c) bangs away from your sharp facial features, a yawn escaping your busted lips. 

    You lean farther back against the leather chair as you stretch out your stiff limbs. Your bones pop due to your movements, your entire frame arching forward just like a cat. You glance down at the crowded metal tabletop while remembering you were working on various music-related projects for your band. Pride overwhelms your overall senses at the thought of how much you had achieved in a few hours, grateful your mates were currently spending their time at some arcade or party downtown. After all, New York never sleeps no matter what. You cast a sideways glance at the clock on the stove nearby and frown at the fact that it's almost two o'clock in the morning. You push the chair backward harshly, standing upright. 

    You continue humming the lyrics to your brand new song as you silently begin gathering up all of your scattered pages. You slip the stack of papers into a skull-printed folder laying on the edge, double-checking to make sure you covered everything from the song to the musical sheets. You toss the folder into your beloved 
cat-shaped bag while realizing how quiet your apartment was without all of your usual chaos. You take in a deep breath, the scent of lavender filling your nose. You drop the bag over the chair's plastic frame and subconsciously make your way toward your living room. You ignore the sound of an approaching thunderstorm outside, instinctively turning on the TV without a second thought. 

The screen comes to life moments later as the news interrupts your horror movie marathon. You growl like an untamed animal, disappointment ruining your remaining night of relaxation. You sigh loudly while deciding to figure out what's going on in your city, anyway. Your (e/c) gaze stays locked onto the reporter while you silently take in everything she's talking about. Apparently, there have been massive murders over the last few weeks, most of them being vampire-related. A plug of sadness for those poor souls stabs into your heart and you switch off the TV without hesitation. You shake your head in disapproval, immediately wanting to clear those depressing images from your brain.

    Suddenly, the unnerving sound of something or someone hitting your window breaks over the heavy rainfall. You flinch out of fear, your aching muscles growing tense. You raise an eyebrow while blindly grabbing a metal bat hidden under your sofa. You tip-toe toward the terrible noises, your grip tightening on the metal handle with each passing step. You pause in your tracks directly in front of the window and hesitantly open the pane with some difficulty. Rain platters onto your frame, your wide gaze locking onto a shadowed silhouette looming on your fire-escape. 

    You narrow your eyes at whatever it is as you take a swing in its direction. It swiftly grabs your wrist, pulling you even closer to it. You clench your jaw painfully while bracing yourself for whatever comes next. Your defenses drop almost immediately, your gaze coming face to face with an all-too-familiar annoyed turtle. You flash Raph an apologetic smile and allow your hand to go limp in his grip. He smirks at your reaction, slipping past you without saying anything. 

    You blink multiple times as you quickly close the window before anything else can happen. You let out a sigh of relief, turning around to come head-on with the short mutant. You scan his overall frame while realizing he's not being his usual smart-attitude self. You frown at his slumped behavior, noticing he's injured. Your instincts immediately kick in and you guide him to your kitchen. You leave him leaning against the table, your mind instinctively searching for anything that could help him out. 

    "Don't worry, Raph. You're going to be alright. I'll have you patched up before you know it. Just trust me," you mumble out loud as you continue your search. You swiftly put your medical kit down on the counter, gathering everything you would need to take care of him. A loud ringing sound interrupts your focus while you feel a pair of eyes staring at you. You go to answer the phone call, a heavyweight wrapping around your wrist. You drop the phone in confusion and glance back to see Raph standing directly behind you. Your wide gaze locks onto fangs sticking out of the corner of his lips, your heart picking up speed. 

    You twist out of his grip as you back yourself up into the counter. You blindly search for a weapon of some sort, your lower back digging into the marble edge. He appears in front of you like magic while you brace yourself for your end. He gently takes a-hold of your jaw, lifting your head upward. You hesitantly make eye contact with him and silently hope you would be okay. You both stare at each other, his hand resting against your face. 

    Your face flushes crimson as you realize how close you are to your crush. He hesitantly leans his forehead on yours, a heavyweight settling against your waist instead. He kisses your lips harshly while pulling you even closer to him. You kiss him in return, looping your arms around his neck. Your bodies lean on each other for support and everything else melts away. He traces your spine, his hand resting on the back of your head. 

    His head goes limp on your shoulder as you hold onto him. He buries his face into the crook of your neck, mumbling inaudible words into your (s/c) skin. He squeezes you tightly while a sudden sharp pain stabs into your neck. A burning sensation flows through your veins, your mind struggling to figure out what was happening. Time seems to slow down and you can't help but feel somewhat different. He runs his fingers through your (h/c) hair, your body relaxing in his hold despite your better judgment.

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