Rebel princess ( Leo x-reader)

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    You silently observe New York City out of the corner of your (e/c) eyes as you swiftly race across various types of buildings scattered about within Manhattan's limits. You zoom past different obstacles blocking your desired rooftop route, your once emotionless demeanor melting away. You cast a sideways glance at your electric device slipped around your wrist while double-checking to see who your next target is. Your gaze locks onto a bounty belonging to your all-too-familiar hero, an amused expression appearing on your stone-cold facial features. You gracefully balance along a wooden beam looming high above the pavement and focus your attention on your favorite lookout location nearby. You take in a deep breath, bracing yourself for whatever could be beyond this point. 

    You jump into mid-air as you quickly flip your entire body forward. You feel your frame twirl in the midnight atmosphere, gravity threatening to take you back to your boring reality. Your feet collide with something solid while you land in a perfect crunching position. You smirk wickedly at your own perfection, grateful you made contact with a metal platform instead of the street. You push yourself upright and make your way toward a ladder to your left. You wrap your slender fingers around the rusty bars, slowly yet steadily heading to the highest point. 

    You blow your (h/c) bangs away from your bright (e/c) orbs as you realize you're directly at the top of the contraption. An overall desire to remain free just the way you are takes over your senses, adrenaline pumping through your veins. You place both of your hands on the edge of the huge billboard while rolling your shoulders backward. You swiftly lift your body upright into a handstand, aiming at the center of your makeshift beam. You turn your frame to your right and switch into a cartwheel-like position. Both of your feet press against the wooden structure, your entire body facing forward. 

    A full moon illuminates your crowded yet beautiful surroundings as the city's daily chaos erupts below you. Your (s/c) frame glows in the moonlight, a cold breeze blowing your (h/c) bangs away from your sharp features. You scan every building or alleyway on all sides of you while your gaze locks onto the mutant you've been selected to capture. You raise an eyebrow at the turtle you've had many interactions with despite your better judgment, a jab of regret for whatever you might do stabbing deep into your heart of glass. You shake your head in an attempt to clear such pity thoughts and reach over your shoulder. You drop onto the rooftop where you saw him, your blade reflecting bright stars. 

    You watch him quickly yet gracefully take down the remaining Foot-bots attacking him as you mindlessly fish a smoke bomb out of your weapon's belt. You lean your weight against one hip, using your blade's handle like a prop. You hide the hand with the bomb behind your back while placing your other hand onto your side. You whistle loudly, immediately gaining his attention. He twirls around to come face to face with you and his usual guarded demeanor fades away. You giggle childishly at his boyish yet shy side, an idea to tease him a bit popping up in your head. 

    "What are you doing here, 
(Y/n)?" He questions you as he examines your frame carefully. You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly, aimlessly tossing the smoke bomb like you're playing a game of catch. You stand to your full height while closing some of the distance between the two of you. You lean forward somewhat, his face flushing light pink at your behavior. You tilt your head slightly to the side with an unsettling expression and roll the smoke bomb directly in front of him. Suddenly, light blue smoke hovers above the rooftop in a hazy fog. Leo instinctively covers his face, his gaze locking onto a space moments later. 

    "Huh, what? Real funny. Where did you run off to now, (Y/n)? I'm not in the mood for any more of your games of hide and seek," he mumbles as you teasingly wrap your arms around his shoulders from behind him. He tries to escape your iron hold, but you press your blade against his neck. You shake your head at his continuous struggling while double-checking to make sure no one else was lingering nearby. You swiftly cover his mouth with your hand, quietly waiting for another bounty hunter somewhere in the distance to vanish. 

    "I came to warn you. There's a bounty over your head, Leo. You're a wanted mutant by Shredder and he's willing to pay whatever for your corpse dead or alive. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you or turn you into that control freak. actually like you too much to do that," you whisper in his ear as the enemy you spotted earlier is gone for good. You let out a sigh of relief, letting go of him. He stumbles forward a bit while regaining his composure. He goes to say something in return, but you cut him off by harshly kissing him on his lips. You rest your arms around his neck and pull him down to your height. He kisses you back, everything except for the two of you vanishing within seconds. 

    A comforting weight settles onto your waist as he pulls you closer. Your bodies lean against each other for support, your mind suddenly drawing a blank. You stand on your tip-toes somewhat while he traces your tattoos inked onto your shoulder-blades. He rests his hand on the back of your head, his fingers running through your (h/c) locks. He props his forehead on yours and gently kisses your nose teasingly. You giggle like a little kid, wishing you could join his side although you knew you would always be a bad influence no matter what.

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