Incomplete (Casey Jones x-reader)

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    You silently stare at the full moon looming high above you as you swing your legs back and forth across the pavement. You lean farther back in the swing, your body slowly yet steadily gaining momentum against gravity. You giggle like a hyper child while subconsciously enjoying some much-needed time alone. Your grip loosens around the rusty metal chains, the echo of your favorite ghostly podcast still pulsing in your eardrums. 

    You cast a sideways glance at your moving surroundings as the urge to try something crazy or at least something pulse racing latches onto your very soul. You hesitantly stretch your legs forward once more, twisting your body to the side gracefully. The metal chains loop around each other while your world spins about aimlessly. A harsh blast of cold air hits your body like a pincushion, your frame swaying side to side. Motion sickness finally plunges somewhere deep in your mind and your adrenaline rush immediately comes to an unnerving halt. You feel the moving contraption suddenly stop moments later, your dazed gaze locking onto an all-too-familiar silhouette. 

    You shake your head in an attempt to stop seeing doubles as your body goes against everything you just tried. You hesitantly let go of the metal chains, your abdomen still doing endless loops. Your vision finally clears while you blow your (h/c) bangs away from your sharp facial features. You glance upward, your gaze locking onto Casey Jones towering frame. You frown at the fact he's managed to track you down for the fourth time today and focus your attention on the ground instead. You slip your headphones around your neck, an exhausted sigh escaping your throat. 

    "What are you doing out here in the middle of the night by yourself? It's not safe, (Y/n)," he states matter-of-factly as he continues looking down at you. You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly, noticing how dreadful New York truly is in the dead of night. You mumble something inaudible in response while realizing he just might have a point. 

    "I'm not tutoring you, Casey. I have my own problems to deal with besides having you follow me around constantly like a lost puppy," you blurt out in a rush, quickly standing upright despite your unbalanced frame. 

    "Aww, that really hurts. Come on, (nick-name.) You're the only one I know that can definitely help me pass my classes. I have to stay on the hockey team," he mumbles as his usual smugg-ish demeanor melts away. You cast a sideways glance up at him while shoving your hands into your denim jacket pockets. An unsettling yet depressed expression is engraved in his features, his shoulders slumping somewhat. You stop yourself from reacting at all and slip your way past him. 

    "Why don't you get April? You two seem closer than ever," you mumble just loud enough for him to hear, not bothering to even pay him any more attention. 

    Suddenly, a heavy weight settles around your wrist as you're pulled backward. You're harshly twirled around, your attempt to leave coming to an immediate halt. Casey tightens his grip on you while silently studying your hurt expression. He raises an eyebrow at you, the realization you've always had a crush on him since childhood hitting him painfully. He shakes his head at your overall attitude in disapproval and places a hand on top of your head. He playfully ruffles up your (h/c) bangs, pulling you into a hug without saying a word. 

    Your face flushes crimson as you struggle to process what had just happened. He casually loops his arms around your waist, squeezing you tightly. You lean your frame against him for support due to still being somewhat dizzy while hugging him in return. You hesitantly look up to meet his gaze, his lips crashing onto yours. You grab the collar of his shirt and swiftly pull him down to your height. You kiss him with all the emotions you've held onto, resting your arms around his neck.

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