Black-out (Raph x-reader)

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    You subconsciously nod your head back and forth in a repetitive beat as an alternative yet loud rhythm echoes harshly in your eardrums. You focus on your current masterpiece, allowing your beloved hobby to melt away any stress from your average day. You gradually zone out into your own world while somehow ignoring New York City's daily chaos just outside of your apartment. You turn up the volume on your skull-printed mp3 player settled next to your hip, a surge of determination overwhelming your entire frame. Your (left/right) hand gracefully guides across the opened page in your (f/c) notebook and your idea finally becomes somewhat real. Lyrics along with guitar musical notes steadily form onto the once blank page, hours of sleep-deprived work finally paying off. 

    You casually lean somewhat backward against your bedpost as you hold your notebook directly above your head. You narrow your (e/c) eyes at your handiwork, examining every piece/marking you spent so much time on. Various types of acoustic projects along with recording equipment are scattered aimlessly in your room while random band-related posters or albums are settled into disorganized piles in your crowded closet. You double-check your masterpiece one last time for perfection, a satisfied expression twists into your sharp facial features. You toss everything onto your mattress including your earbuds and turn your attention to your beloved electric guitar propped up against the wall. You swing your legs over the bed's edge, quickly plugging up both your amplifiers along with your musical instrument at the same time. 

    You cast a sideways glance at the lyrics you just wrote as you make sure your amplifier is set up to your overall liking. You silently tune your instrument, pumping yourself up for another practice session. You begin playing the chords you've gone over for this particular song while beginning to sing out loud. Your beautiful yet slightly hoarse voice echoes lowly in the quiet atmosphere, an alternative rhythm matching every emotion you're feeling at the moment. You sway along with the music and subconsciously fall into any nostalgic flashing before your exhausted brain. You enjoy this moment of comfortable stillness, wishing you could just stay like this forever. 

    Suddenly, the horrible sound of something shutting down breaks over your much-needed break as everything immediately goes dead. Pitch blackness surrounds you, your entire apartment going into an unsettling power outage. You growl like an untamed creature while blindly reaching for your cellular device somewhere nearby. You find your desired object seconds later, your thumb pressing down on the main power button. Your screen automatically lights up in the darkness and you click on your flashlight without thinking. You stand upright, instinctively heading toward the lower level of your apartment.

    You use the dim flashlight to guide your careful and hesitant steps as you subconsciously make your way into your living room. You aim the bright beam of light at your opened closet, using it to locate a box of candles settled on top of a shelf just your height. You swiftly take a few candles out of their container and aimlessly place them around the room. You casually fish a lighter out of your hoodie pocket, lighting each one within seconds. 

    An exhausted sigh escapes your throat as you realize how beautiful yet eerie the room was with the candlelight flickering like fireflies. You turn off your phone, the scent of lavender giving you a deep sense of comfort. You twirl around gracefully while a shadowy silhouette closes in on you without your notice. You come to a sudden halt, your gaze focusing on an all-too-familiar mutant. You feel a heavyweight press against your waist and both of you make eye contact with each other. You tilt your head to the side childishly, flashing Raph a carefree smile. 

    "What are you doing here? I thought you said you were busy training for another week or two. Besides, it's not really a great time to visit. My power just went out during that rainstorm and we're kinda stuck in the dark for a bit," you explain your situation as you playfully wink at him. He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, pulling you even closer in response. You grin like a little kid hyped up on candy while casually resting your arms around his neck. You listen to the platter of rain colliding with the apartment's structure, the idea of someone else being here with you tonight giving you some confidence. You both stare at each other for a few moments without saying anything else and he squeezes you like you could vanish at any given second. You instinctively try to give yourself some distance to breathe properly, remembering he hasn't seen you for a week or so due to one of Leo's ninja expeditions for the team. 

    You immediately flinch as he teasingly pokes at your sides. Your little giggles fade into amused laughter, your facial features turning light pink from embarrassment. He tickles you playfully while you squirm in his hold. You accidentally lean backward somewhat too far, your feet tripping over the coffee table behind you. Gravity takes a hold of your frame instead and your lower half collides with the sofa. You blink multiple times in an attempt to figure out what just happened, Raph taking a seat next to you. 

    "That's not funny, Raph. Why didn't you say anything or do something before I tripped like that?" you mumble in a teasing manner as you playfully shove at his unmoving frame. He grabs your hand before you can react, gently taking a hold of your jaw. He leans forward while kissing your lips. Your face flushes crimson, your frame closing any distance between the two of you. You kiss him back and rest your free arm around his shoulder. You feel a familiar weight settle on your lower back, the storm outside disappearing entirely. 

    He picks you up by your waist without any difficulty as he sits you on his lap. He pulls away seconds later, his head crashing onto your chest. He hugs you once more while leaning against you for support. He buries his face into the fabric of your hoodie, squeezing you more tightly this time. You place a hand on the back of his head and hold him like he could break at any moment. You tenderly kiss the top of his head, allowing him to let go of any emotions weighing him down.

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