Blue lotus (Leo x-reader)

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    You gracefully twirl around as you come face to face with two familiar Hamato clan members. You narrow your eyes in determination, your stern expression challenging them to a brutal fight. You stand your ground despite the two charging in your direction while patiently waiting for the right moment. You swiftly kick one of them directly in the abdomen, sending him flying into a nearby wall. You block the remaining member's punch with your right arm and tilt your head to the side childishly. You frown at him in disapproval, sweeping his legs before he can properly react. 

    His body collides with the matted flooring as the other one finally regains his composure. You turn your attention on him instead, silently studying his next movements. He quickly grabs two swords settled on the dojo's weapon wall while racing toward you in a zig-zag pattern. You chuckle at his attempt to intimidate you, pampering your nails. He swings the blades multiple times and continues advancing forward. You subconsciously dodge each failed attack, flipping backwards into the air. 

    You land swiftly in a crunching position as you kick both of his hands. He cries out in sudden pain, the weapons dropping to the floor moments later. You push yourself upright while noticing an all-too-familiar silhouette lingering near the sliding entrance. Your stern features soften somewhat, deciding you're happy with your overall training for the day. You lace your fingers together and bow at each of your wonderful pupils. They both bow in your direction at the same time, before you dismiss them from your sight. 

    You blow your (h/c) bangs away from your sharp facial features as you pretend to ignore Leo's very presence. You stand in front of an opened window, your gaze locking onto a full moon looming high in the sky. You blindly grab a dagger hidden under the window seal while subconsciously tossing it at him. You hear him make an amusing sound, his footsteps approaching you. You cast a sideways glance out of the corner of your eyes and you notice he's twirling the dagger around. You smile childishly at the bond you two have, turning around to face your mutant hero. 

    You casually sit on top of the window as you cross one leg over the other. You stare at him, quietly humming your favorite song you learned during your childhood. 

    "I'm glad your still yourself. With everything going on here in Japan, it's hard to remain intact. I just don't know what to do. My clan will be going to war soon and the only way to stop it is an arranged marriage. I don't think I can force myself to do such a thing. What am I going to, Leo?" You blurt out your problems in a rush while looking at the floor instead of him. You hear him sigh loudly in understanding, realizing he must know your pain in some form. He places a hand on each of your shoulders and bends down to your height. He squeezes your shoulder-blades tightly, your watery gaze locking onto his concerned features. 

    "I know what your feeling. You're doubting yourself and your abilities. I've done that quite often, but everything always turns out as it should. Just trust your instincts no matter what and you'll be alright," he replies as you nod your head in understanding. He wipes away your tears, a hoarse laugh escaping from your lungs. He smiles at your adorable reaction while his icy blue orbs scan your frame. Your face flushes crimson under his intense gaze, your body subconsciously moving closer to him with each passing second. You hesitantly rest your arms around his neck and kiss him passionately. He hesitantly kisses you in return, a comforting weight settling onto your waist instead. 

    Your bodies press against each other as you forget about your troubles for the moment. He squeezes you like you could disappear at any given second, his head leaning onto your chest. He buries his face into the fabric of your (f/c) tank top while still hugging you. He closes his eyes, quietly listening to the echo of your heartbeat. You place a hand on the back of his head and hold onto him just like you've always wanted to do.You hum your beloved song out loud in an attempt to comfort him, not wanting this moment to ever end. 

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