Jones vs undead (Casey Jones x-reader)

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    You silently hum to yourself as you casually make your way down the abandoned streets of New York City. A never-ending carefree demeanor overwhelms your senses, curiosity pumping through your veins. You nod your head back and forth in a repetitive rhythm while somehow managing to ignore Casey's mindless mumbling next to you. You instinctively turn up the volume on your mp3 player, your music immediately switching to your daily yet beloved ghostly podcast. You move somewhat closer to him and loop his arm around your waist. You snuggle up to his side although you're not cold, leaning your head against his right shoulder. 

    Casey recently asked you out on a few dates about a week ago as well as continuously dragging you out on his missions with your other friends, the turtles, or just wanting to explore Manhattan (in other words anything that was sure to get you both in trouble or at least your blood pumping.) Tonight you went out to the movie theater to watch an upcoming zombie franchise. Everything went pretty great while Casey had been super sweet or just adorable around you for once. You can't believe it yourself, but you like him more than you originally thought. You allow him to guide you down another route and immediately realize you're not heading toward your cozy apartment like usual. You raise an eyebrow in confusion, immediately lifting your head to make eye contact with him. 

    "Casey, what's going on in that head of yours? This isn't the way to my apartment or yours. Where the heck are we going? This better not be some trick or something," you say loudly as you narrow your eyes at him suspiciously. He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly at your reaction, a smug-gish expression appearing on his face. You cross your arms over your chest while swiftly examining your new surroundings. You notice you have no idea where you are, the horror movie you just watched about zombies coming to eat you flashing before your mind. 

    "Aww, come on. Where's your sense of adventure, (Y/n)? Don't tell me you're freaked out because of that movie we just watched? It's not a big deal. I just wanna show you this really cool place I found while I was taking out some scum earlier today," he mumbles in response and begins poking teasingly at your sides. You twist in his hold, quietly wondering where this ends tonight. 

    A dimly lit green shade looms above the eerie atmosphere like an endless void as a gentle breeze blows the surrounding trees' towering silhouettes. A thick fog swirls around your kneecaps creepily, a sense of discomfort latching onto your limbs. A full moon glows high in the gray sky while a few bats fly about aimlessly. You take in a deep breath, the scent of metallic mixed with various fragrances filling your nose. An endless stretch of various types of buildings are on both sides of you and the visible outlines of street lights can be seen nearby. 

    You immediately flinch as he playfully continues tickling you. Your little giggles fade into amused laughter, your facial features turning light pink from embarrassment. You still squirm in his hold while trying not to think about anything strange or creepy. 

    You accidentally lean backward somewhat too far, your feet tripping over a broken piece of concrete behind you. Gravity threatens to take hold of your unbalanced frame and your gaze locks onto a pair of red glowing eyes staring at you from somewhere in the darkness. A heavyweight settles around your waist, Casey catching you before you can hit the pavement. 

    You blink at the unnerving sight of someone or something watching you as he pulls you steadily to your feet. Suddenly, he harshly flicks your forehead, snapping your attention back at your current conversation. You look up at him dumbfounded while he glances in the direction you were just focused on. He rolls his eyes at the pitch blackness, the pair eyes vanishing almost immediately. He places a hand on top of your head and ruffles up your (h/c) bangs like you were a paranoid child instead. You instinctively stick your tongue out at him, the palm of your hand blocking his entire face from kissing you. 

    "Casey, I just saw something. Maybe....we should head home or you know just find a quiet yet safe building to hang out at until morning," you blurt out moments later as you cautiously double-check your surroundings. Suddenly, the unsettling echo of approaching footsteps closes in on you. You swallow your fear, these same thoughts of earlier latching onto your mind. You gracefully slip from his hold while taking an extra hockey stick from the black bag slipped over his shoulder-blades. Your grip tightens on the wooden handle, your knuckles fading into a white shade. Multiple shadowed silhouettes begin closing in on both of you and you realize whatever or whoever those people were they have you outnumbered. You frown at your current situation, bracing yourself for whatever was beyond the darkness.

    They step into the dimly lit street as the stench of rot mixed with decay hits your nose. You ignore the desire to puke, instinctively standing back to back with Casey. A herd of about six to ten zombies blocks you while the sound of your pounding heartbeat pulses loudly in your eardrums. You swing the hockey stick at one closest to you, its head flying off of its shoulders. Casey knocks two more undead off balance on his side and both of the creatures hit the pavement with a sickening thump. A painful weight presses against your left wrist, your body being dragged away from your boyfriend. 

    You scream your protests at the zombie as you struggle to break free from its slimy grip. Pain plunges into your muscles, your (s/c) skin slowly turning light purple. You hear the slice of a hockey stick nearby while the zombie's touch disappears. You blink multiple times, your gaze locking onto a broken hockey stick jabbed into its forehead. He swiftly grabs your hand and begins guiding you into the nearest apartment complex. The undead follow you into the building, slowly yet steadily catching up to you. 

    "Casey, find somewhere safe or we're going to be cannibalistic freaks just like those gross zombies. I don't want to spend the rest of my youth eating flesh," you blurt out in a rush as he drags you through various corridors. He makes his way upstairs, heading for what looks like another hallway with a balcony. You somehow manage to kick an approaching zombie in the abdomen while you realize he dropped makeshift explosives on the floor. The zombie tumbles into the racing herd, sending some falling back down to the first floor. He pulls into an opened bedroom and shuts the door with a loud slam. He lets go of you, immediately scooting various types of movable furniture in front of the now locked doorway. 

    Your lower half collides with the bed centered in the middle of the small room as exhaustion finally overwhelms your entire frame. You let out a sigh of relief, your shoulders slumping. You feel the mattress shift moments later while Casey takes a seat beside you. You cast a sideways glance at him, realizing his once confident demeanor is almost completely gone. His expression falls into sadness and his shoulders slump too. You place a comforting hand on his shoulder, his gaze coming face to face with your concerned features. 

    "Hey, Casey. It's okay and everything will be fine. Besides, this is one of the coolest yet interesting dates I've ever been on," you mumble just loud enough for him to hear as his eyes land on your bruised wrist. He hesitantly takes your hand, his gaze examining your injury. You flash him a childish smile while lacing your fingers with his. You lean slightly forward, kissing him on the lips instead of saying anything. He loops his free arm around your waist and closes the distance between the two of you. He kisses you back, your bodies leaning against each other for support. 

    You move to sit on his lap as you rest your arms around his neck. He holds onto you like you're the most fragile person in the world, squeezing you tightly. You hesitantly pull away while leaning your forehead against his. You playfully kiss his nose, pulling your legs up to your stomach. You cuddle up to him like a little kid and silently listen to the echo of his heartbeat. He tenderly hugs you, both of you falling asleep in each other's hold. 

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