Swamp myth (Leatherhead x-reader)

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    You stare blankly at the darkening sky looming high above you as you quickly make your way down an abandoned road. You silently listen to the infamous legend about some kind of alligator mutant haunting the swamp nearby on your cellular device, a creepy voice echoing lowly in your eardrums. You harshly blow your (h/c) bangs away from your sharp features while fishing out your beloved journal from the (f/c) bag slipped over your shoulders. You flip through the faded pages filled with various sightings, stories, information, and anything related to this strange yet intriguing creature. A childish demeanor overwhelms your overall senses at the thought of actually locating wherever this mutant was, sending the desire to save it from an uncertain death or life in a cage plunging deep inside your very soul. 

    Woodland surrounds you as more clouds settle in front of what's left of any sunlight illuminating the roadway. An icy breeze blows against the trees' decaying structures, the scent of swamp odor mixed with moist dirt lingering in the still atmosphere. Thick fog swirls around your legs while a few bats fly about aimlessly. You narrow your eyes at something farther ahead, your (e/c) gaze locking onto the barely visible silhouette of your beloved neighborhood. A sigh of relief escapes your throat and you realize you've been walking for an hour or so since your vehicle broke down on the outskirts of town. Your body subconsciously carries you forward without your permission, the idea of just crashing once you get to your RV crossing your exhausted mind. 

    You bite into your bottom lip hard enough to draw blood as your feet hit a piece of broken concrete sticking out from somewhere underneath the maze-like fog. Gravity immediately takes a hold of you, your frame tumbling down some sort of steep hill. Unbearable pain latches onto your entire frame, your body colliding with each jarring bump on your way toward the approaching ground. Your vision twirls endlessly while motion sickness settles onto your abdomen. You cover your mouth with both hands, hoping this would soon come to an end. You feel gravity take a hold of you one last time and you roll off into a deep ditch. You finally come to an uncomfortable halt, your sore frame landing directly on your backside. 

    You blink multiple times as you struggle to process exactly what had just happened. You lay completely still in the position you painfully landed in, your teary gaze locking onto your swampy yet isolated surroundings. Your vision slowly stops spinning aimlessly while the sound of something splashing about in the swamp reaches your ears. You take in a deep breath to remove the block hovering against your airway, pushing yourself upright with some difficulty. You shake your head repeatedly, attempting to clear away your pulsing headache, and hesitantly head toward the unnerving disturbance. You pause in your tracks at the edge of the swamp's muddy bank, your (e/c) gaze locking onto some sort of alligator mutant floating above the shallowest end of the watery grave. 

    You cover your mouth to stop yourself from screaming out of excitement as you realize what you've been searching for since you moved here is actually real. You hesitantly step into the water, the waves splashing against your kneecaps. You ignore the disgusting feeling swirling around your lower half while taking a hold of the mutant's upper half. You clench your jaw painfully, somehow managing to drag his unconscious body closer to the bank. After a few minutes, your exhausted frame gives out and you clumsily sit on the broken dock nearby with a low thump. You blow your (h/c) bangs away from your sharp facial features, popping your stiff bones without a second thought.

    You examine the mutant alligator suspiciously as you fish out a taser from your (f/c) bag. You quickly turn it on, blue sparks immediately flashing across the metal prongs at the top of the device. You harshly zap the mutant a few times while silently watching blue electrical sparks circulate his entire frame. Suddenly, his eyes snap open unsuspectingly. You instinctively scoot somewhat away from him and decide it's best to see what's going to happen next. He awakens moments later, an unsettling roar breaking the quiet atmosphere. 

    He continues freaking out although everything is okay as his tail connects with a tree behind him. The bark splits in half, each half of the tree colliding with the water with a loud splash. His piercing gaze automatically focuses on you instead while his shoulders move rapidly due to his heavy breathing. He screeches directly in your face, the scent of robotic parts mixed with animal flesh hitting your senses harshly. You ignore his defense mechanism and stand your guard. You blindly reach out your hand, tossing the taser into the water. 

    "Leatherhead...It's okay. It's just me. Remember that lonely human who found you in the swamp when you were younger. That lost teenager who took care of you until my brother snuck into my room and took you away from me. I've been searching for you ever since. It's me, (Y/n). I've missed you so much and I just had to locate you. Please, try to remember who I am," you state matter-of-factly in an overall rush as you patiently wait to see how your beloved pet would react. He blankly stares at you, the expression on his face telling you that his memories were coming back. He places a hand on top of his head while shaking his head repeatedly. Another screech escapes his clamped jaws, his knees colliding with the dock. You gracefully balance against the shaky ground for a moment and step closer to the fallen alligator. You place both of your hands on top of his head, rubbing his leathery scales in an attempt to comfort him. 

    He gazes at your frame as you feel a heavyweight settle against your waist. He pulls you closer to him, your frame leaning onto his lean torso. You hold his muzzle with one hand while continuing to comfort the sad mutant. He presses his head into your abdomen, snuggling up to you. You bend down to his height somewhat and prop the side of your head against his. You hold onto your lost friend, silently hoping you would never lose him ever again. 

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