Fire-cracker (Raph x-reader)

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    You quietly hum your favorite creepy yet haunting song to yourself as you casually head deeper into the woods. A carefree demeanor overwhelms your overall senses, the desire to figure out what's hidden within the shadows pumping throughout your veins. You carefully step over a fallen log while double-checking to make sure Raph was still guiding you through this confusing maze of woodland. Your beautiful voice breaks the eerie silence, the sound of both of your footsteps playing like music in your eardrums. You cast a sideways glance around your surroundings and realize you've been roaming about in the darkness for an hour or so. You spot various types of nocturnal creatures moving aimlessly in the moonlit areas, a childish expression appearing on your sharp facial features. 

    You swiftly catch up with Raph as your thoughts wander over the many reasons why you decided to agree on a week-long camping trip with him. He asked you out a few months ago and you just kind of went with it during that awful time of readjusting to a semi-normal life. He helped you learn how to be yourself again, despite your new mutated form. You actually liked him more than you thought you would while he showed endless amounts of affection since he whole-heartedly took you under his care. You hesitantly lift your head and your (e/c) gaze locks onto a bright yet starry sky. Your facial features soften somewhat, your slender fingers subconsciously tracing the spiked neck-choker slipped around your neck. 

    A soft smile pulls at the corner of your lips as mixed emotions flicker over your (e/c) orbs. Your (s/c) frame glows like an undiscovered beauty in the isolated atmosphere, your (h/c) bangs blowing in the chilly breeze. Your (f/c) ears twitch at every small sound nearby while your (f/c) tail subconsciously curls around your kneecaps. You take in a deep breath, the scent of metallic mixed with different types of flowery fragrances hitting your nose. Suddenly, something collides with the top of your head and an unnerving coldness settles onto your exhausted body. You raise an eyebrow in curiosity, finally noticing the thunderstorm looming high above you.

    Woodland surrounds you as more gray clouds gather in the darkening sky with each passing second. An icy breeze blows against the trees' structures, the scent of water mixed with dirt replacing your scent of smell. A thick mist begins rising from the muddy ground while the barely visible silhouette of a perfect campsite slowly comes into view. He tightens his hold on your wrist and somehow manages to drag you toward the makeshift shelter without any difficulty. Both of you collide with the tent's tarp-like flooring, your troubles almost vanishing. 

    You let out an exhausting sigh as your lower half collides with two fluffy sleeping bags centered away from the edges of the closed-in structure. You giggle at your somewhat disorganized appearance, instinctively fixing your (h/c) locks away from your shoulder-blades. You feel the weight behind you shift while you wipe away any water dripping down your face aggressively with your hoodie sleeve. Raph loops his arms around your waist and places his head on top of your shoulder. He gently takes your left wrist, your focus snapping in his direction instead of fixing yourself. 

    You raise an eyebrow in confusion as you hesitantly make eye contact with him. He shakes his head at you in disapproval, silently staring at your dazed expression. 

    "Hey, stop that. I like you just the way you are. Including the hot mess I'm staring at, right now," he mumbles while playfully ruffling up your (h/c) bangs. You roll your eyes at him in response, your face flushing into a light pink shade. You flinch at the echo of thunder and he begins teasingly poking at your sides. He tickles you playfully, your little giggles fading into amused laughter. 

    You squirm in his hold as your face turns a crimson shade from embarrassment. You accidentally lean farther back, both of you tumbling backward against the sleeping bags. You blink multiple times while realizing you ended up in a somewhat awkward position. Raph is currently staring at you, an amused expression permanently engraved in his facial features. You subconsciously avoid his lingering gaze over your frame and turn your head to the side. He tenderly takes a hold of your jaw, forcing you to make eye contact with him. 

    You lean your face into the palm of his hand as everything else besides you two melts away. He bends somewhat down to your height, your fingers lacing with his. Your foreheads press against each others' while your mind draws a blank. He swiftly kisses your lips, your heartbeat pounding against your ribcage. He pulls away for a moment and begins planting little pecks along your jaw. You giggle despite your emotionless state, his head landing on your right shoulder. 

    He buries his face into the crook of your neck as he mumbles something into your (s/c) skin. Another lightning strike breaks over the sound of your heartbeat, your mind snapping out of its trance. You twist your hands out of his hold while looping your arms around his neck instead. He gives you some time to process what just happened, his head going limp onto your chest. He leans his face against the fabric of your hoodie and hugs you instead. You rest your hand on the back of his head, deciding to never leave his side.

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