Rooftop sketching (Donnie x-reader)

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    You hum silently to yourself as you subconsciously swing your legs back and forth over the rooftop edge. A soft yet instrumental beat pulses lowly in your eardrums, your focus staying drawn to your beloved sketch instead of New York's daily chaos below. Your stressed-out demeanor slowly melts away while you allow your favorite hobby to zone you out. You quickly cast a sideways glance around the rooftop, double-checking to make sure Donnie was still busy searching the area for missing vials of mutagen. A sigh of relief escapes your lungs and you immediately get back to finishing up the remaining pages in your opened sketchbook. A cheerful expression appears on your face, the thought of your idea actually becoming somewhat real giving you some much-needed courage. 

    Steadily yet surely various blackened lines form into connected shapes as an all-too-familiar silhouette appears on the blank page. You blow onto the sketchbook harshly, pencil shadings mixed with easer markings falling into an alleyway below your feet. You cautiously take one last glance around you while realizing a bright full moon looms somewhere above you. You sit your art supplies on the concrete next to your hips, An idea immediately crossing your crowded mind. You pick up the book by its spine and aim the sketch directly in front of a beam of moonlight shining down on your frame. You narrow your eyes at your sleep-deprived work, examining every detailed piece by piece. 

    The image of a tall yet lanky mutant turtle as well as extra details only you would have noticed is printed on the messy yet shaded page. His stern expression stares back at you, the reflection of burning flames in his pupils glowing in the dimly lit atmosphere. A wooden axe is held tightly in his left hand while a purple substance drips off of the blade. A skeleton mask is somewhat lifted above his head, shadows smeared below his facial features. A childish wonder overwhelms your senses and you giggle at the thought of the specific turtle you got your inspiration from. Your facial features flush at the memories of your precious hero, the echo of approaching footsteps completely passing by you without notice. 

    You tilt your head slightly to the side in curiosity as you wonder if Donatello really watches over you like he promised during your time apart or at least if he had any feelings past your balanced friendship. You never really had any clue. After all, he's always so shy. You've been waiting for any signs of it while unfortunately getting nowhere for weeks. Once you think he's actually flirting or being romantic, he covers up his tracks within seconds. Most of the time you overlook everything he blurts out and focus on his actions instead. You're more of a logical person too, therefore you read him better with fewer words. 

    You let out an exhausted sigh as your (h/c) bangs blow into your face. You hesitantly turn to look toward your right, your (e/c) gaze locking onto Donnie's towering frame. You swiftly hide the sketch under your arms while flashing him an apologetic smile. He sighs right after you in defeat, taking a seat next to you. His shoulders slump somewhat and his gaze falls onto the fire-escape nearby. 

    "This is so pointless. We've searched almost all night and we can't find anything. Leo is going to be so upset when he finds out. I wish Mikey hadn't messed up when we took that Krang ship down. The mutagen is scattered all over the city and it's almost impossible to track down," he blurts in annoyance, tossing the now busted mutagen tracker on the pavement. 

    You place a hand on his shoulder as you decide to try to cheer him up. He hesitantly makes eye contact with you, his features fading into a light pink shade. You uncover the sketch while showing him what you've been up to for the last hour. His face flushes crimson this time, his sadden demeanor melting away. He loops an arm around your waist and pulls you even closer to him. He hugs you tightly, your sides pressing against each other. 

    He tenderly kisses the top of your head as you lean your entire frame onto him. He takes a hold of your left hand, lacing your fingers together. The two of you sit like that for what feels like forever and quietly enjoy each other's very existence.

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