Lost (Donnie x-reader)

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    You force yourself to keep moving forward although you have no idea where you're going as you race mindlessly past various types of krang-like cells designed to hold mutants. Your heart pounds painfully against your ribcage, adrenaline pumping through your veins. You have to leave this nightmarish faculty. You needed to find a way out of this experimental prison alive or at least take out yourself along with those alien freaks. You used to be an official team member of the teenage mutant ninjas before the Krang took you away during their invasion of New York City. In fact, you had made a deep connection with Donatello. He helped you find yourself again after you were mutated into a red fox. You missed your dear friends terribly, silently waiting for your escape for almost a year. You continue racing through the maze of narrow corridors and swiftly take a right turn. Your (e/c) gaze locks onto a set of double doors directly ahead of you, the echo of krang-bots closing in on you reaching your ears. 

    You hesitantly cast a glance behind you as you brace yourself for whatever was beyond those doors. You narrow your eyes at your enemies, sticking your tongue out at them. The krang immediately begins aiming their guns at you while you spot a fire extinguisher propped up on the wall to your right. You grab the metal object with some difficulty, busting the lock slipped around the door handles within seconds. You drop the contraption with a sickening thump and kick it in their direction. It rolls across the tile flooring, going down moments later.

    You swiftly push the doors open just wide enough as the alien-like brains crawl out of the robots' fallen bodies. You slip through the gap between the wall and door-frame, the squishy creatures barely catching up to you. You enter what looks like another hallway while hopelessly trying to think of another plan of some sort. You take in a deep breath, the pulse in your eardrums reminding you that you're still indeed alive. You instinctively block the way you came from with a metal desk and quietly head down a spiral staircase leading to the lower level of the building. You subconsciously double-check your overall surroundings, sliding your hands along the railings next to your hips. 

    You hum silently to yourself in an attempt to avoid the stillness lingering in the atmosphere as you realize this faculty was being used for various related krang-like experiments with the mutagen. You shake your head in disapproval, finally reaching the last floor. You wander aimlessly while noticing different clones of April O'Neil along with yourself floating in the many chemical containers circling the room. You frown at the sight of your human version trapped behind glass, the thought that Donnie might like that version better than you latching onto your sleep-deprived mind. You pause in your tracks directly in front of another doorway and patiently wait for any more indications of the krang or anything threatening. The soft echo of rain reaches your ears, your emotionless demeanor melting away. 

    You harshly slip through the front doors of your hidden trap for months on end as you decide to never leave your friends' side ever again. You lean your exhausted frame against the structure, examining your new surroundings with happiness. You pump yourself up for discovering a brand new home while wiping aggressively at your bloodshot orbs with your bruised knuckles. You hesitantly step into the rain and lift your head. Your expression twists into a childish one, slowly remembering what freedom was like before your world fell apart. 

    A dimly lit purple shade looms above the silent atmosphere like an endless void as a gentle breeze blows the surrounding trees' towering silhouettes. A thick fog swirls around your kneecaps elegantly, a sense of comfort latching onto your frame. A full moon glows high in the gray sky while a few bats fly about aimlessly. You instinctively take in a deep breath, the scent of metallic mixed with sweet fragrances filling your nose. An endless woodland is on both sides of you and the visible outlines of fireflies can be seen nearby. Suddenly, the echo of multiple familiar voices interrupts your desired moment. You immediately run in that direction without thinking, your frame colliding with something solid. 

    You stumble backward somewhat as your unsteady legs almost give way from underneath you. Gravity takes a hold of you, your lower half hitting the ground. You mumble something under your breath while hesitantly seeing who you just bumped into. Your dazed gaze locks onto an all-too-familiar silhouette, your planned escape paying off. You stare at Donnie for what seems forever and the sound of his concerned voice snaps you out of your trance. You shake your head to clear it, taking his outstretched hand without thinking. 

    "(Y/n), is that really you? I can't believe it. It's been so long since I've seen you...I was beginning to worry that you were gone or worse. You look great and I'm so glad that you're here," he mumbles as he pulls you steadily to your feet. Your facial features flush light pink at his endless mumbling, subconsciously throwing yourself at him before he can even finish talking. You lean your entire frame against him while squeezing him like he could vanish any minute. His features fade into a crimson shade, that adorable smile you love so much appearing on his face. He pokes your side once or twice to make sure you're real and his overall guard breaks down almost immediately. He loops his arms around your waist, hugging you in return.

    You hold his face in your iron yet gentle grip as you make eye contact with him. You giggle at his shy demeanor, the weight pressed onto your lower back giving you a sense of comfort. You pull him down to your height somewhat while kissing him on the lips. The rain becomes like music to you, the deep feeling of desire mixed with joy overwhelming your senses. He kisses you back with more passion and everything else melts away in an instant. Your head crashes onto his shoulder, your arms lazily resting around his neck. 

    You tilt your head to the side as you bury your face into the crook of his neck. He holds onto you like you could break at any given second, placing a hand on the back of your head instead. Exhaustion takes its toll on you while your eyelids struggle to stay open. He runs his fingers through your (h/c) locks, not daring to let anything else rip you away from him ever again. Your body shuts down immediately and his presence sends your subconscious spiraling into a peaceful dreamlike state. He gently picks you up bridal style, carrying you back to your rightful home. 

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